NCDC adjusted data shows a strong warming trend in Texas.
Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
The underlying measured data shows a strong cooling trend, with 1921 as the hottest year.
This graph shows both adjusted and measured.
This graph shows the adjustments, older temperatures have been massively cooled.
In 2012, the San Antonio Express News said Texas is not warming, based on NCDC data.
Mims: Research shows Texas is not warming – San Antonio Express-News
And Anthony Watts captured this graph from NCDC in that same year. They hadn’t erased the heat of 1921 yet.
Climate scientists who have been claiming Texas is warming are totally wrong. | Watts Up With That?
We can see that the tampering with Texas data has gotten much worse over the past seven years. The biggest fraud in science history.