Monthly Archives: April 2020

Twitter Dirty Tricks

I keep getting lots of new followers on twitter, but suddenly about a week ago my follower count started going down.  It appears very suspicious, and I started tracking it in spreadsheet. They also block my images for most people.  … Continue reading

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Pelosi : Let Them Eat Ice Cream

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Michael Moore Exposes The Green Energy Scam

Michael Moore confirms what skeptics have been saying about imaginary green energy for the past 12 years.

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Percent Of Days Above Freezing Declining In The US

The percent of days above freezing has been declining in the US for a century, with last year among the lowest.

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Scenes From The 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony

The 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony was a beautiful and unforgettable tribute to the National Health Service. Something to appreciate and ponder during this time of climate crisis. Here is the complete ceremony. The dancing nurse scenes are very touching. … Continue reading

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New Video : Most Dishonest Science In 1,200 Years

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Different Approaches

Donald Trump wants to put people back to work, and get government off their backs. Democrats want to put everyone on welfare.

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Things Are Going To Get Better

A lot of people I know are very afraid of COVID-19. Many have essentially suspended life “until the virus is gone.”  President Trump wants to get America back to work, but fear is holding the country back. In this blog post … Continue reading

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Watch Live: Thunderbirds salute essential workers with Colorado flyover | These guys just flew over, right outside my window. First planes I have seen in about a week.

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Dishonesty Making Science And Journalism Worst In History

Experts report the western US is having the “worst megadrought in the modern age.” Megadrought in Western U.S. Worst in Region in 1,200 Years | Time Actual data shows that the western US has gotten slightly wetter over the past … Continue reading

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