Monthly Archives: April 2020

Climate Alarmists Use COVID To Try To Shut Down Fracking

Just when I thought Boulder County progressives couldn’t possibly get any crazier or  more unethical. Court Rebukes City’s Effort to Block Oil and Gas Production During Coronavirus Outbreak – Western Wire

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New Video : Climate News April 11, 2020

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COVID Crime Spree

I was one of the early victims of COVID related crime. Last week I was trying to rent a house off the website Zillow, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The person who claimed to be the owner said he couldn’t meet me … Continue reading

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Shopping At Whole Foods

I’ve been shopping at Whole Foods in Superior a few times this week, because it provides me with a nice long trail ride to enjoy on my way to the store. Like I always do, I transport the groceries in … Continue reading

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New Video : Global Warming Was Always On My Mind

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Remember To Use Plastic Bags And Straws, And Avoid Mass Transit

Plastic bags are making a comeback because of COVID-19 – The Verge If you see a violation of social distancing, report them to authorities. One brave soul reported this gathering, and was handily rewarded with thirty pieces of silver.

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Ecosystem To Collapse In Ten Years

Global warming will collapse the ecosystem around the year 2030. Unchecked Global Warming Could Collapse Whole Ecosystems, Maybe Within 10 Years | InsideClimate News This comes 30 years after the first time the ecosystem collapsed from global warming. Mercury News: … Continue reading

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CO2 Reaches Record High 418 PPM

With the world locked down, and aviation and automobile travel at a near standstill, atmospheric CO2 has reached a record high 418 PPM. Global Monitoring Laboratory – Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network There is no indication humans have the ability … Continue reading

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Boulder Residents Calling Police To Report Children Playing Basketball

Educating Boulder County residents on social distancing practices has become part of daily police response during coronavirus pandemic

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April 9, 1947 Tornado Killed Hundreds Of People

10 Apr 1947, Page 1 – The Lawton Constitution at

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