On my way out of the supermarket in Boulder the other day, I saw these headlines.
Due to government mandated shutdowns, the economy is in free-fall and tens of millions of people out of work. Downtown Boulder looks like a ghost town, Yet cities like Denver and Boulder are continuing the same policies.
Do these policies make sense? Over the past two weeks, deaths blamed on COVID in Colorado have dropped off to almost zero.
Case data | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
A few weeks ago, we had a lot deaths due to nursing homes getting infected all over the state.
The nursing home problem is easily seen when deaths are sorted by age group. Only nine people under the age of 40 have died in Colorado, and most, if not all, had other serious underlying health conditions.
Case data | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
When I go cycling around Boulder I see lots of young, healthy riders with their faces nearly covered up. Many young people here are panicked and afraid of other people. Yet they have a higher probability of being killed in a bike wreck than they do from COVID-19.
“Stop killing us”: After a deadly month, Denver cyclists will swarm streets
There is no reason for cities like Boulder to be shut down and destroying the lives of the residents, yet media driven panic is pushing government officials over the cliff. Governor Polis, who claims he wants to open business back up, is doing everything he can to prevent it from happening.