Ozone Hole To Destroy Entire Life Systems – CO2 To Turn New York Into Florida

“Things could heat up with ozone layer

By Bonnie Vance News Staff – A NASA scientist, saying that “We are conducting one big experiment with the Earth’s atmosphere,” warned that industrial pollutants are destroying the ozone layer that normally protects Earth from excessive solar ultraviolet rays. This destruction could result in increased rates of skin cancer, weakened immune systems (the body’s defense against disease) and destruction of entire life systems, Watson said he expects a decision from the EPA by November 1987 regarding fluorocarbon regulation. One of the same chemicals destroying the ozone, carbon dioxide, Is also responsible for the greenhouse effect, said Henrv Zintambilia, ISU professor of geography-geology. “A greenhouse’s glass allows solar radiation to get in. . .where it is converted to sensible heat,” Zintambilia said. “This heat starts trying to leave the greenhouse, but it cannot penetrate the glass to the outside. .

.this makes the greenhouse warmer.” Normally, the water vapor in the clouds acts as the panes of the greenhouse, allowing just enough heat to escape into space to keep the Earth’s temperatures relatively constant, he said. But increased levels of carbon dioxide from manufacturing processes increase the clouds’ abilities to absorb and reflect the heat back to Earth, and many scientists believe this is causing a reported increase in the Earth’s average temperatures, Zintambilia said. The immediate threat lies in the potential melting of the Earth’s glaciers, causing the sea levels to rise, Zintambilia said, which “will be a great catastrophe causing enormous flooding.” If we continue adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, he said, “There may be a time when the temperatures currently experienced in Florida may be experienced in New York.”

Summer Vidette 25 June 1986 — The Vidette Digital Archives

The transition of New York’s climate into Florida’s isn’t going very quickly.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Ozone Hole To Destroy Entire Life Systems – CO2 To Turn New York Into Florida

  1. Florida Vermont says:

    How to I get this chart to compare Florida and Vermont?

  2. D. Boss says:

    How do we update the database used in the “unhide” software? I believe I have version 4.

    I live in S Florida and I keep track of the air conditioner energy use as my thermostat records the on time every day and I log this. This year the on time is down by over 3% over 2022, despite every news outlet saying it was the hottest year ever. So I wanna see the actual raw data using your software.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      I would like see the newest version. One of these softwares, I was able to use; the other not. Could there be a permanent link in the side bar to each of the software programs that Tony has developed?
      It is interesting that Boss has linked with his thermostat. Does the thermostat record the ambient temperature? The problem as I see it would be other variable like changes in daily living patterns within the house, etc. which might affect the usage as well.
      I have a small weather station in my backyard, that went kaput in the communication link to my computer. I could use SD cards to capture the data , but I’ve been too busy (lazy) to set that up. Part of my link is a thermometer that is 6 feet down into the ground. It actually swings more than I thought it would, but now I have missed about 9 months of data.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    However, finally, a long term benefit to staying in New York. Hochul should be pushing this.

  4. dm says:

    People, Antarctica’s ice shelves & glaciers, Greenland’s ice sheet, Artic sea ice, penguins, polar bears, low-lying atolls and regrettably Mannkind survived this doomcast:-)

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