Damien lives near Canberra and says the climate there is similar to Wyoming.
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The pollution generated by the production of solar panels is in China, but what are a few thousand Chinese lives when it comes to inflating a self-righteous ego?
Yes, what Damien does not realise is that the ACT Govt is lying about 100% renewable power. What happens at night? Of course, they rely on coal, like every body else, but lie and people like him believe it.
Its just an accounting fraud that is perpetrated, yet so many swallow it.
Maybe he was also not paying attention when just the other day the NSW Energy Minister warned people not to use Air conditioners due to strain on the power grid. A grid made nearly unstable by the closure of Liddell power station (10% of state generating capacity).
By the way, my father was involved with the fly ash removal at Liddell. And it was a very clean station. Perhaps David is thinking of China where we still have many people burning coal in their houses to keep warm and many old and dirty stations still running. Chinas push for Ultra Critical stations and using clean Australian coal will help with that, but that does not fit his false narrative…
Wyoming average temp : 45.6 F
New South Wales average temp : 69.8 F
Canberra Airport mean temperature : 66 F
In a world where 2.0 degrees of warming are considered apocalyptic
Canberra is a magnitude of Armageddons ahead of Wyoming.
There may be a reason why Wyomings biggest (out of 9) ski resort has almost
the same miles in ski slopes as all New South Wales resorts combined,
despite the fact that New South Wales is more than 3x the size of Wyoming.
Cheyeene gets 60″ of snow a year, Canberra last had significant snow in 1968.
Cheyeene has about 4 to 5 months that average below freezing, coldest month in Canberra averages mid 40’s.
That jackass has no idea what he is talking about.
Wyoming is dry continental, Koppen Cold Semiarid Bsk, Canberra is moist subtropical, Koppen Ocean Climate Cfb.
Cheyenne has about ten days a year when it gets to 0.0 F.
Lowest ever at Canberra is about 14F. Lowest ever at Cheyenne is -38 F
One thing isn’t like the other.
NSW Record low ?23.0 °C (-9.4 °F) 29 June 1994 Charlotte Pass (Kosciusko Chalet) 71003
Bondurant, WY -52 °F (-47°C) February 5, 1982
The two places could hardly be more different.
Wyoming has an average elevation that is nearly as high as the highest point in all of Australia.
The closest point of Wyoming to an ocean is over 650 miles, but there is not a single place in Australia that is 650 miles from an ocean.
Dude should move to Wyoming and try to survive a winter with his solar heating = problem solved.
One thing is when you think it is cold because you can’t run around in a t shirt for a week,
another is when you live in a region where hardened animals can barely survive the winter.
Does Canberra have the worst air quality in the world?
During Australia’s black summer of extreme bushfires between 2019-2020, Canberra did briefly register as one of the most polluted cities in the world. On New Year’s Day (1st January) 2020, following some days of heavy air pollution, Canberra air quality reached an extreme peak. At 1am on New Year’s Day, one of Canberra’s 3 monitoring stations registered an AQI reading of 7,700 – representing a staggering excess of the Australia air quality limit by 77 times, well into the ‘Hazardous’ AQI level of above 200.1
Deamon doesn’t know what he is talking about!
New South Wales is about 33 degrees south latitude or about the sames as TEXAS or Baja Mexico
Cheyenne is about 41 degrees north latitude. (or about 600 miles further north)
and then have the same weather ????
He seemed to have been quoting a Harvard study on deaths by fossil fuel pollution. Such studies are the unfortunate result of creative calculations and projections used by radicalized students to forward political agendas, not rigorous science. These studies are like chasing a rabbit down a hole. Example: Asthma kills some people. Asthma can be aggravated by pollutants. Third World countries have pollutants, and many come from burning fossil fuels (in vehicles). More people die earlier in life in Third World countries. Let’s connect that to fossil fuel power production! Take a % of the deaths in Third World countries and blame them on fossil fuels. It may get a little bit more sophisticated than that, but not much more so.
Besides that, it’s funny that they call heat pumps “reverse air conditioners”.
It’s funny that he thinks they run off of solar panels.
It’s funny that he believes the entire state runs off of heat pumps and solar panels, which without knowing anything about the place, I know is not true.
He seems to be on a soccer team, maybe he has enough money to isolate his house from the power grid, to prove his point?
If he thinks that South Wales climate is similar to Wyoming’s he could do a distributed per acre weighting of temperature by region in each place. I mean, take geographic regions of South Wales (acres x average temperature) and add them up and divide by total acres. Same thing with Wyoming. The only place in South Wales that approaches the cold of Wyoming is the Snowy Mountains.
Harvard is always great as reference – as good as Wikipedia.
Recently they released a study claiming that women are genetically better suited for hunt than men.
How could all cultures of the last 100k years be so wrong all the time
when Harvards super experienced animal Hunters are so right.
Majors Creek climate (https://www.weather-atlas.com/en/australia/majors-creek-climate)
“Weather in July
July, like June, is another mild winter month in Majors Creek, Australia, with an average temperature ranging between min 8°C and max 14.9°C. July, with an average high of 14.9°C and a low of 8°C, signifies the coldest month of the year.”
46F sounds a bit warmer than Wyoming’s average winter low temp!
At least the pres of Harvard knows how to copy and paste….
This is the best collection of comments yet. Many thanks for the laughs at Damien’s expense.
Damien is a fool, the coldest month in Canberra is July. While the minimum temperature can get below zero degrees Celsius the average minimum is bang on zero with an average maximum of 12 deg C. January is the hottest month with temperatures ranging between 14 – 28 deg C. I see Wyoming’s coldest month is December with an average temperature swing of -1 to -13 deg C with a record minimum of -37 deg C. There is no comparison between the two locations.
Since China massively adopted a life based on fossil fuels, their life expectancy almost doubled and it’s more or less the same all over the developped World.
How can this fact be consistent with the claim that fossil fuels kill yearly 8 millions more than they prevent from dying early ?