“1750, when general melting began”

“By 1879 naturist John Muir found that the ice had retreated 48 miles up the bay. By 1916 the Grand Pacific Glacier headed Tarr inlet 65 miles from Glacier Bay’s mouth.”

“The glaciers seen here today are remnants of a general ice advance- the Little Ice Age- that began about 4,000 years ago. This advance in no way approached the extent of continental glaciation during Pleistocene time. The Little Ice Age reached its maximum extent here about 1750, when general melting began.”

Informational Visitors Guide to Glacier Bay National Park: Facts, Lodging, Tips and More.

According to Michael Mann, glaciers melt during the coldest decades on record.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to “1750, when general melting began”

  1. Scott Allen says:

    NOAA claims the sea level has been rising since 1880’s (PSMSL has longer sea level gauges with the same rate) at a very steady rate 2-3 mm +- which has continued to this day
    NOAA/NASA/USHCN all show a modest warming until about 1940-50’s of about 0.2-.04 degrees, about 1950 they show an large increase in the Earth’s of about 0.08-1.2 degrees.
    Shouldn’t this sudden increase in temps for the past 75 years show up in the sea level rise ,but it doesn’t.

  2. Bob G says:

    that correlates with the glaciers in glacier Park Montana. the park literature, found online, says they’re only about 4,000 years old

  3. Francis Barnett says:

    There is a 149 year old unmolested temperature record from the Valentia observatory on the south-west tip of Ireland.
    A significant northern hemisphere temperature sensor, no buildings. towns, cities, roads, and a more or less constant SW airflow off the Atlantic.
    The record shows only a very slight warming trend in the nearly 150 years the observatory has existed.
    https://www.mesacc.edu/sites/default/files/pages/events-news/media-coverage/Meteorology%20s%20Emerald%20Jewel%20Valentia%20Observatory.pdfOn page 19 of the document there is the temperature graph which clearly shows the effect of the 1930’s Great Plain’s dust bowl heating the Northern hemisphere.
    The Valentia data set is freely available from the Irish Met office – it’s huge.
    Me and my puny laptop can’t cope with it – maybe Tony could have a look at it.

  4. Disillusioned says:

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  5. dm says:

    “The Little Ice Age reached its maximum extent here about 1750”. In the almost 275 years SINCE, people, most creatures and most plants SURVIVED without “help” from Dr. Mann, Paul Ehrlich, Dr Hansen, the Inconvenient Gore, Climate Czar Kerry … People, critters and plants SURVIVED profound changes in sea levels, seashores, desertification of some regions, afforestation of other regions … HOW did that happen?;-)

    • Richard E Fritz says:

      1880s I believe is when North America Little age ended

      • Conrad Ziefle says:

        Mann says sometime in the 1900s, and therefore he can jam all of the temperature increase into a shorter time period. I think Fagan
        (Little Ice Age book), and most others, put it in the 1850s. I believe, on not much basis except the many graphs which Tony posts that show a slight cooling trend, that we only got a short pause, and in 200 years they’ll look back and say it was the prelude to the real deal.

      • Tony Heller says:

        Glacier National Park was rapidly melting by 1850. Alaska was rapidly melting decades earlier

  6. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Iceburgs (ie. Towns) instead of Icebergs (Mountains).

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