1925 : “Arctic Climate Turning Warmer; Glaciers Melting”

“Arctic Climate Turning Warmer; Glaciers Melting
Oakland Tribune FEBRUARY 18, 1925

Arctic Climate Turning Warmer Glaciers Melting
(Special Cable to The Oakland TRIBUNE and the Chicago Daily News.)

LONDON, Feb. 18.—The latest, investigations confirm the theory that the arctic climate has changed considerably in recent years. The temperature of the Gulf Stream, which tn 1925, was higher than in the previous year, shows an average increase of from four to five degrees centigrade since 1900 when it was.first measured by the explorer Nansen.

The chief proof of the change in climate is the remarkable shrinkage of the glaciers which have retreated from three to four miles, showing that the mild air has caused corrosion for a considerable time,

Owing to the altered conditions, Spitsbergen, which in former years was isolated by the heavy ice of the ocean from October to May, may become approachable in winter. And for the first time on record a ship has been dispatched there in February,”

18 Feb 1925, Page 12 – Oakland Tribune at Newspapers.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1925 : “Arctic Climate Turning Warmer; Glaciers Melting”

  1. Conrad Ziefle says:

    I love to ski. It’s the one sport I cling to, but what would happen if all the snow and ice melted? We would probably be returning to the normal temperature profile that has existed for most of the time that there has been life on Earth. We are currently, and for the past million years or so, the Earth has been on the cold extreme of its normal temperature patterns. It might be, that cold is the new normal for Earth. At least if you think that the last 1 million years is a new equilibrium range for temperatures. That might be the real climate change.

  2. I am probably wrong, but my understanding is the Earth is very gradually losing its atmosphere, such that a creature the size and weight of a pterodactyl, for example, could not fly in the current atmosphere. The tropopause pressure is not expected to change but reduction in surface pressure reduces the adiabatic pressure ratio of the circulating gas in the troposphere which leads to a lower surface temperature.Look to Mars, not Venus for the long term (some time in the next 30 million yeas) fate of the Earth. A pity the greenhouse effect is nonsense, we could do with the extra heat.

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