Michael Mann and his friends seem to be getting increasingly desperate with their childish behavior since the Climate Movie came out.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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I’m pretty sure Mann is very good friends with Tony Heller exposed
and it seems that their goal of it is to get indeed a chance to involve lawyers at some point.
“involve lawyers at some point”
If you wrestle with a pig you will get covered in shit – don’t go there.
Mann is a failed scientist. As power hungry and psychopathic as he is he should have persued a career as a politician. History won’t be nice to him.
They’ve wound themselves up so much with the stolen identity, that their statements sound schizophrenic. It’s actually comical.
who knew that one part per 10,000 could be so powerful. that one part not only controls the climate but it controls the thinking of the Ivory Tower bunch. could that be coming to an end soon? 3 years ago it was unthinkable that covid came from a lab. not so much anymore. same will happen with climate change eventually because the emperor clearly has no clothes. back in my neck of the woods we’ve had seven inches of rain in central Minnesota in the past 2 weeks. in my old age Ive forgotten… does climate change mean it’s going to get drier or wetter?
It’s everything!?
Whoops, the question mark was supposed to be a clown face emoji but the site didn’t support it.
Super hero
Democrat man
I don’t think this false identity is even original, I seem to remember some prat posting as a name with ‘TonyHeller’ embedded in it. If this is the strongest argument that Mann and his lackeys can present, his cause is lost.
It is simple if Tony is so obviously wrong, it should be a simple matter to refute him. But there’s the rub, he cannot. Abuse and censorship does not constitute a valid argument, as is becoming much more widely understood, despite the deliberate dumbing down of the public.
When a snake oil salesman is finally exposed, he needs to get out of town faast.
You’re over the target Tony. Keep dropping the bombs.