“BREAKING: senior IPCC scientists say exceeding the Paris 1.5°C limit is now inevitable, imminent, and may well have already occured as unsurvivable 2°C by 2034-2038 looms”
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Still trying to figure out wether the “unsurvivable 2C ” is sarcasm
or is this guy begging for a beating?
The hottest and coldest inhabited places on earth are about 70 degrees Celsius apart (average temperature).
2 degrees are less than a 3% increase.
Most places on earth would even after a 2 degree increase be way cooler than the current hottest inhabited places.
And how huge was the impact of the imminent 1.5 degree increase so far ;
in terms of global wheat,rice,fruit etc production?
The negative impact was 0.
If we add another 33% of warming to the 0 we will know the impact of an imaginary 2 degree warming.
I think that we are missing the point here. I think, that in order to understand, we need to go back to some Bill Clinton philosophical remarks such as: What is the meaning of “world”? What is the meaning of “destroy”?
OR you might ask them why will the world be destroyed this time, when geo-historically, the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere were much higher for most of the duration of the biosphere.
already occured as unsurvivable 2°C by 2034-2038 looms
Unsurvivable? I personally survived a 13°C change today.
The world is DOOMED; so, merrily drill, drive, drink & dine. Drill for oil & gas. Drive gasoline guzzlers. Drink milk from CO2 emitting cows. Dine on cheese, beef, pork & lamb.
If we drink we will die
If we don’t drink we will die
So we might as well say “What the hell!”
And raise our glasses high
Whatever your name
You’ll be dying just the same
So you might as well say, “What the hell!”
and join us in a drink