“Gender-responsive climate action”

“Gender-responsive climate action isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the SMART thing to do. “

(44) UN Climate Change on X: “Gender-responsive climate action isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the SMART thing to do. The world needs climate action and gender equality to go hand-in-hand –one enables the other. Because we need everyone in this collective crisis. #GenderDay | #COP29 https://t.co/8q9XE7dDGV” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to “Gender-responsive climate action”

  1. Jehzsa says:

    Too much fluoride on their drinking water?

  2. czechlist says:

    Send money
    ever notice the left’s response to their failures is – we had good intentions, but, we didn’t spend enough money.
    “A billion here, a billion there and soon we’re talking real money”
    Sen Everett Dirksen

  3. Francis Barnett says:

    Can somebody explain how “gender responsive climate action” works?
    Answers from normal “no blokes in skirts” please !!

    • arn says:

      It works the same way man made climate change does.
      The USA comes up with some shit(climate,wars,genders)
      -and the rest is supposed to follow(European countries follow like dogs,no matter what it is).

      And since Biden(=his handlers) made men,dressing and pretending to be women,go mainstream in his government the IOC and UNO are also obsessed with following it.
      The same thing happened a few days ago,when “Biden” allowed the USA using the pronoun Ukraine
      to use long range missiles(by some magic those previously forbidden missiles were already in Ukraine as they were instantly used)
      France and England did exactly the same thing the same day.

      Now we may ask : how does the gender responsive plan for every single of those genders looks like?
      But I’m pretty sure she can not even tell how many imagined genders there currently are – 21,72,15764.(yeah ,the gender hockey stick is real.Went up from (CO)2 to 1 million even faster than earth temperatures.

    • Tel says:

      They string any old rubbish together and then demand to be paid more. If that doesn’t work they change a few things, try again a f still demand money.

      I guess the idea is to start with gibberish and then try to extrapolate that into grand unified gibberish. You know it makes nonsense.

  4. dm says:

    Climate change, not menopause, causes hot flashes? In x dressers, too?

  5. More conjurer’s distraction, argue gender rather than examine the ‘science’ of AGW.

  6. Timo, not that one! says:

    “one enables the other”

    so, cross dressing causes glowball warming, and glowball warming causes cross dressing.

    The ultimate feedback loop.

  7. conrad ziefle says:

    They are like vampires, butt the stake has to be driven a different place. There is a clue in the previous sentence.

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