Michael Mann predicted 33 “named storms” and is declaring victory at just over half that. He also claims he knows how many storms occurred in the mid-Atlantic in 1851 – misinformation he has been spreading for almost twenty years – “this presumption is not reasonable”
“The Atlantic is the one tropical cyclone basin that has quantitative records back to the midnineteenth century for the whole basin (i.e., North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico) [Jarvinen et al., 1984; Landsea et al., 2004]. Mann and Emanuel [2006] used this data set to find a positive correlation between sea surface temperatures and Atlantic basin tropical cyclone frequency for the period of 1871– 2005. Likewise, Holland and Webster [2007] analyzed Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency back to 1855 and found a doubling of the number of tropical cyclones over the past 100 years. Both papers linked these changes directly to anthropogenic greenhouse warming. However, both analyses, with no indication of uncertainty or error bars, presumed that tropical cyclone counts are complete or nearly complete for the entire basin going back in time for at least a century. This article will show that this presumption is not reasonable and that improved monitoring in recent years is responsible for most, if not all, of the observed trend in increasing frequency of tropical cyclones.’
Mann math: 18 >= 33. Let’s hope he never designs bridges, airplanes, skyscrapers …
Tony, the following should please you:
1) The Manhattan Contrarian advises Trump to investigate manipulation of official temperature records. See: the 5th or 6th subtitle of https://www.manhattancontrarian.com/blog/2024-11-12-ideas-for-an-incoming-trump-administration-climate-and-energy-edition
2) MORE research concludes low lying areas within the Pacific & Indian Oceans EXPANDED during the catastrophic Mann-made global warming crisis spanning recent decades. Mann was overheard exclaiming “D4mn!!!! Wrong AGAIN!!! Oh woe is me.” See: https://notrickszone.com/2024/11/15/new-study-bangladeshs-land-coast-has-expanded-seaward-by-2677-square-kilometers-since-1990/
3) Glad to see you are back to full speed;-) Hope that is because u feel great.
I wonder how Mamm got to the conclusion after even propaganda outpost WaPo had to admit a few years ago that there is a hurricane drought.
And this despite claims that they already changed the parameters of measuring windspeeds and catagorizing storms to inflate the numbers in their favor.
And here an update from the Michael Mann of politics,
Kamala H.
Miss Global Warming India 2024 spent 4 mio + for private jets during her campaign in just 3 month. (and according to rumours 2.5 * more for Beyonces 3 minute endorsement)
The worst ‘democracy’ money could buy – EVAH! – and the majority of people still said NO!
Why not name clouds, rain squalls, thunderstorms, even insignificant little storms like Sara, after the industry ghouls who ‘sang for their supper’, ie. Blowing Beyoncé, Bewildering Bruce, Howling Harpo (Oprah), Menacing Michelle, Manic Michael…
Fun for all ages, and remember, it’s only a game ($).
Here is more more money burning fun for our American friends who are always being reminded by the Biden/Harris clownerywhat deplorable garbage they are.
” Every Dollar we have at our disposal will be pushed out the door (to Ukraine ) between now and Jan. 20th. ”
(but there will always be 750 dollars left for Americans in case of a real emergency)
Wait a second, Michael Mann is saying that the CO2 in the atmosphere has spiked 11 times since 1851 causing 11 peaks in hurricane production? How else does he explain those 11 peaks? Random walk? Nooooooo!
Give him time to fudge the numbers and spice them up with some tree rings and he will tell us that 10 out of those 11 peaks happened in the last 10 years.
He missed the mark with his predictions by almost 50%
and yet those 19 out of 33 were one of the most violent seasons in recorded history according to him.
This absolutely does not make any sense.
So today is no different than 1851 and he admits that it was a natural El Nino that lead to record heat in 2005.