Michael Mann Hurricane Update

“The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.”

? H.L. Mencken

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Michael Mann Hurricane Update

  1. Disillusioned says:

    Michael Mann is the consummate projectionist. He is so full of seething, foaming-at-the-mouth, blind hatred, he unable to see that he is the walking, talking epitome of precisely what he accuses others of being. His personality is caustic; he is unreasonable and he acts in a tyrannical manor. I hope he will curb is obvious predilections and limit his wanton desire to eliminate people to merely the click of a mouse on X.

  2. czechlist says:

    has mann paid his court ordered debt to the Ball family?
    dispicable is the nicest term I can think of for describing him and those who defend him in his legal actions.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      I mentioned this a week or so ago – the debt was ordered by a Canadian court to pay to Tim Ball his huge legal bill so unless Mann sets foot in Canada he’ll continue to default on the debt.
      Why isn’t a debt in Canada enforceable in USA?

  3. William says:

    Of course he puts God in quotes. God is a silly myth, easily disproved by “scientists”, the very same who insist, SHRIEK, that normal stable climate is a “crisis”. “Mann” (a misnomer) is a truly repugnant personage, Hilary in drag. In any case without Hitler we wouldn’t have Volkswagons. My first car, a ’64 Beetle. If it wouldn’t start (often) I could push it myself, jump in, put it in second, let the clutch out, and vrooom, be on my merry way. Hey “Mann”, try pushing your Lincoln Navigator by yourself

  4. Stephen M Apple says:

    My plan is to invest in flotation devices. In fact, if I could corner the market on them, when the flood finally happens- when all the glaciers melt, and we are up to our neck in salt water- people will have to come to me for their flotation. I’m taking evil genius to a whole new level. If this Michael Mann guy is wrong, I’m going to be stuck with a lot of Christmas gifts for friends.

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