Scientist Kamala Harris

Scientific American boasting about Kamala Harris’ prowess in science.

(59) Scientific American on X: “As the daughter of a cancer researcher, Kamala Harris would bring a lifelong familiarity with science to the presidency, experts say” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Scientist Kamala Harris

  1. So how is Misanthropic Climate Sharknado Warmunism working out for her party?

  2. arn says:

    Scientific American should better ask how 2 accomplished profs who have their own Wikipedia articles ( only in the USA you can have such parents and grow up middle / working class)
    could produce such an imbecile?
    She is the intellectual versionof Chelsea Clinton who had some good looking parents (in their prime)
    but got that deformed Epstein look – but in terms of Chelsea there are at least rumours about what went wrong on her fathers side.

  3. Caroline Voelkers says:

    wow. science has clearly left the building at SA. how embarrassing.

  4. Dave Burton says:

    Here’s our would-be scientist-in-chief explaining “cloud storage.”

    Now that the election’s over, it seems a lot funnier than it did then.

  5. czechlist says:

    My dad owned a plumbing company. During high school in the 60s I was apprenticed.
    Today I still possess fundamental skills, knowledge (s hi t flows downhill, payday is Friday, don’t chew your nails) and a variety of tools. I can accomplish some basic repairs and installations but I wouldn’t attempt the State Journeyman examination.
    I know as much about plumbing as kamala knows about science.

  6. Richard E Fritz says:

    did anyone NOTICE her pre run for WH back in July August 2024 and after she began her run- she was SLOW in brain- slow speech- laughing was same as last 30 years but she was like a dying brain at retirement home

    THEN BOOM she was up and running – clucking around barn yard chuckling louder and in last 3-4 weeks before election she actually had a semi functioning brain like a reformed hooker who found religion
    WERE they here team giving her drugs like they were pumping Biden full of

  7. Gamecock says:

    The indictment of ‘scientist’ Kamala is valid.

    But it is equally valid against RFK Jr, as proposed head of HHS. He is a nutter.

    Sola dosis facit venenum.

    He is ignorant of “the dose makes the poison.” His tirade against fluoridated water is an example. The concentration in drinking water is completely safe. Sure, high doses of fluoride can poison people, but that is completely irrelevant.

    Things like getting “harmful chemicals out of the food supply” is just as ignorant. It is a non problem. Same with “processed” foods, whatever that is supposed to mean.

    RFK wanted criminal action against people who didn’t get Covid vaccine (sic).

    RFK Jr does bring needed energy to reform the likes of NIH, CDC and FDA. Even to challenge their constitutionality. I’d be okay with RFK if he has Steven Milloy review his proposals. Milloy is known to Trump, so this may already be baked in.

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