The Clock Is Ticking

During 2018, AOC said the world will end in 2030 – but she apparently wants to be president when that fateful date arrives.

(2) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: “A lot of people want to bring Obama-era insiders back for party building purposes. While those folks ran successful presidential campaigns, they also oversaw some of the largest downballot losses in modern times. Party building is different. Look to people w/ recent successes.” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Clock Is Ticking

  1. arn says:

    AOC said after the appointment to her NY friend no Joy can’tReid in a communist interview (they shared the same braincell ) that “Tulsi Gabbard is a warmongerer”.

    Besides the obvious nonsense AOC is even too dumb to lie
    as even the german MSM was instantly synchronized by Wall Street to call her a Putin spy /Kremlin asset,but the lady that lives right there failed to get the update

  2. William says:

    Now that would represent true progress, a barely literate (I wonder who writes her X posts) uncultured and boorish Communist Latina barmaid as president. A step up from an incontinent and lecherous old man with no brain. Well, a lateral move. She would begin her State of the Union Address not with “My fellow Americans..” but rather “Hey you guys..” We have fallen far as a country. My sense is that our fall has only just begun and there is no bottom.

  3. D. Boss says:

    She is as ignorant as she is arrogant and thoroughly misguided as to reality. Remember the garbage disposal video? ( AOC GARBAGE DISPOSAL VIDEO – NOT PARODY )

    • arn says:

      Imagine her as president : ” I really wonder what the red button is for?
      Ill give it a try”

      • Mike Peinsipp says:

        Don’t give her any ideas. They can not understand why they were rejected. they’ll keep going left till they fall off the edge of the Planet (sarc). Trump came within 5 points of getting NEW JERSEY & New York was closer than at anytime in the last 50 yrs.

        • arn says:

          Strange that Trump came within 5 points in the main Wokw Insane Asylums,
          but Miss Lake , who got already screwed 4 years ago in the democrats typical “count votes until you win – scheme ” in Arizona
          lost to the next woke looney , though Arizonians? as border state are totally fed up with invasions and wokeness, yet they voted for the Traitor
          (and Trump won Arizona) .

          How can Trump almost take NY and Lake can’t take Arizona?

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess that my only response to this, if Trump is listening: Make sure that American lives improve markedly over the next 4 years and that they know it in spades , and the New Republicans will win again, Gabbard or Vance or DeSantis. That’s a big order, particularly the “making sure that they know it” part. Going to have to do something about the ubiquitous Marxist propaganda machine, either by diminishing it or supplanting it.

  5. Stephen M Apple says:

    The shame of this is that she is so amazingly stupid that she actually believes the words that come out of her mouth. Worst part is the damage she does. Others who share he brain tilt take her words to heart.

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