Wisconsin Summers Are Much Cooler Than They Were In The Past

ScreenHunter_330 Mar. 06 09.39 ScreenHunter_329 Mar. 06 09.35 ScreenHunter_328 Mar. 06 09.30

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Wisconsin Summers Are Much Cooler Than They Were In The Past

  1. David says:

    Just because there were more hotter days doesn’t mean it was hotter. I mean you could have lots more 99.99 degree days to make up for the lack of hundred degree days. Sarc

    • Eric Simpson says:

      And the flip side, as the warmists are quick to point out, just because there are a lot more colder days doesn’t mean it’s colder. Um, yeah, that’s what they say alright. No kidding.

  2. Alec, aka daffy duck says:

    Climate Change is REAL !…
    The Cold War is back

  3. Andy DC says:

    Lack of heat is entirely consistent with a warming planet (sarc).

  4. Sundance says:

    The loons in Madison still believe that their future will end in being evaporated.

  5. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven, for these reminders of the extreme temperatures (high and low) in the middle of the United States in 1936. Have you heard of any viable explanation?

  6. Steve Case says:

    Wisconsin State Assemblyman Jim Ott’s Hot Air Reports:

    Jim Ott’s Hot Air Report March 24th 2009

    Here at home in Wisconsin, following a winter of record snowfall and chilly early spring
    temperature, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that planting in southern
    Wisconsin was delayed by “at least a couple of weeks” because of cold and wet soil
    conditions in late April 2008. Last summer, Milwaukee’s official thermometer failed to
    record a maximum temperature of 90 degrees, only the fifth time that has happened since
    records began in 1870. Two of those five summers have occurred in the last decade

    I’ve been gerryhmandered out of Jim Ott’s district, but I still keep tabs on some of his stuff. He’s a former TV Weatherman.

  7. Morgan says:

    Wisconsin nothing. Go to this page and enter New Orleans or Houston, which have had NO WARMING since 1880. Houston especially. 1880 was the high with a huge drop around 1960 which it never recovered from.


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