Automobiles Had Already Made The Climate Unlivable By 1934

ScreenHunter_507 Mar. 13 06.53

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ScreenHunter_510 Mar. 13 06.57

02 Feb 1935 – DISASTERS OF 1934 REVIEWEL Millions Were Rendere…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Automobiles Had Already Made The Climate Unlivable By 1934

  1. “…the capital city, Tokyo, resented scenese of great desolation…”

    Gotta love those ’30s editors.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Henry Ford’s evil Model T and even more sinister Model A had already made a mess of the planet by 1934. Meanwhile Uncle Joe Stalin’s workers paradise and Adoph Hitler’s wonderful 3rd Reich, with their huge depopulation and extermination programs, were FAR more enviornmentally friendly.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    “Acts of God” like floods, tornados and hurricanes are insurable events.
    That means insurance companies don’t believe in CAGW and are all bible bashing WASP’s. CO2 causes all those events so therefore “CO2 = God”!
    And alarmists claim it is not a religion?

  4. The Ford V-8 came out in 1932, so it had plenty of time to destroy the climate.

    Okay, but the Cadillac V-8 came out in 1914, so it definitely had plenty of time to destroy the climate.

    Okay, uh Levavasseur started making V-8s in 1904, so if that didn’t destroy the climate, nothing can.

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