Arctic Sea Ice Extent Nearing Peak For The Past Decade

ScreenHunter_677 Mar. 16 04.35

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Extent Nearing Peak For The Past Decade

  1. QV says:

    Is there any correlation between maximum extent and eventual minimum extent figures in the same year?

    • Gail Combs says:

      The minimum extend is more dependent on the winds. If the winds keep the ice in the arctic it generally doesn’t melt very much. If as in 2007, you get a major storm that pushes the ice out of the arctic through the straits and into the warmer oceans, it melts.

      The air temp last year was below normal the entire summer indicating the sea water was also probably a bit cooler. Note the temperature is quite even during the summer and swings wildly during the winter. That is the open water modifying the climate during the summer.

      Arctic Temperature:
      Note 2013 summer temperature compared to the mean

      1958 was actually warmer all summer compared to 2013 AND above freezing for a longer period of time.

      Quick Quick Screen capture those graphs before the Warmists ‘Adjust’ them. (I wish I could add a /sarc but I have seen them ‘Adjust’ my home town records too many times.)

  2. Snow White says:

    There seems to be some perturbation in the Force here too. If at first…

    OH NO IT IS’NT !!!

  3. Dmh says:

    The peak for the period is 2010 and 2012 and *we are* very close to that.
    I’ve been checking NSIDC chart
    almost every day and the extent over some regions in N. Canada is already above average. The ice has been growing steadily, especially between Canada and Greenland.
    The only problem is in N. Asia, where it’s stable or receding a little.
    The blue areas over the ocean are becoming smaller.
    IMO there is a real chance that the Arctic ice will be above average (in the total extent) in a few days or weeks.

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Don’t forget our friend Caleb who has been laboring now for almost a year doing detailed daily reports about the Arctic weather and ice extent:

    • Brian H says:

      A wonderful site, expertly written.

    • Caleb says:

      Thanks for the shout-out, Eric. I wondered why there was an influx of viewers at my site from this site.

      If watching the sea-ice is a “labor,” it is a labor-of-love, because it interests me. I wrote about the fun I have in a long, long essay called “Fun With Sea Ice” that got printed over at WUWT.

      My site is sort of like a messy notebook full of observations. Unless you are a weather geek, it is way too long-winded. This site is much better for quick updates. I don’t see how Steve does it., day-after-day, month-after-month.

      Steve has noted the real news is the increase of thicker ice over towards the coast of Alaska, and even north of the Bering Strait. The lack of ice in those areas was the main reason the “extent” graph got so low during recent summers. It will be interesting to watch this year. My guess would be that the area will not melt and the extent-graph will not dip so low.

      However dip it will, and rise it will. There is always a lot of hoopla about how much sea-ice melts during the summer, but never much news about how much it refreezes in the winter. I may poke fun at the media by writing some sort of spoof with the headline, “Arctic Sea Ice Triples In Extent,” (Which is no lie. It does it every winter.)

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Great to see your articles in WUWT! I wish you would be a little more self-promoting, though, and give prominent links to your own site when you write such articles. That’s the least you should expect for providing your talent to wuwt. Keep up the good work! And lets see what happens this year, let’s see if we get more ice as a minimum than last, and then the warmist gooses are cooked.

        • Caleb says:

          I am planning to improve my site, but never seem to find the time. I’d rather do what I most enjoy. However, against my will, my mind is being forced to be more down-to-earth. It happens every year, and is called “doing my taxes.” Maybe, while dragged down to earth, I’ll do some work fixing my site up.

          Watch the sea-ice this summer over on the Bering Strait side, especially the Chukchi Sea graph. It has become totally ice free recent summers, but barely managed it last summer. If it fails to become ice-free this summer it will suggest it is the PDO and not CO2 controlling the ice-extent on the Pacific side.

          If the Chukchi doesn’t completely melt, then ice in the Central Arctic between the Chukchi and the Pole will not melt, and that added over a million km2 to the ice-melt during recent summers.

          I like using my own eyes by checking the satellite view, but (if you can put up with a bit of data-diddling,) it is interesting to check out the graphs of ice-extent of the northern seas at You can move from sea to sea by clicking on the map at the bottom.

          Have a great week!

        • Caleb says:

          Partly due to your encouragement I wrote a half tongue-in-cheek and half serious essay called, “Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Triples!!!”

          Hope you get a chuckle from it.

  5. Pathway says:

    The way for humans to end global warming is for all good liberals to off themselves because the rest of us aren’t concerned about whether or not earth has a temperature. Such an action would solve so many problems simultaneously. To all liberals: LEAVE ME ALONE.

  6. Snow White says:

    Steve – If there was a facility for including images in comments here then I wouldn’t need to link to images elsewhere, would I?

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Was reading some of Joe Bastardi’s twitter stuff.
    The AMO was mentioned and I know Steven and others have mentioned it before.
    It has a strong relationship with Hansen’s 1999 global temperature chart before that was massively adjusted. Looks very cyclical to me.

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