1000 Snow Days In DC This Month

ScreenHunter_6479 Jan. 27 08.55

Unprecedented global warming has brought us 1000 snowy days so far this month, or if you prefer hexadecimal the count is 0x8.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to 1000 Snow Days In DC This Month

  1. gator69 says:

    I believe that works out to a 1 in 27 million chance, or something…

  2. slp says:

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those that understand binary and those that do not.

  3. Neal S says:

    How about Base 3 anyone? In any case the month ain’t over yet, and if you added up all the different ‘snow days’ at area schools, I am pretty sure you would get at least 1000 snow days using some base greater than 2 for your numeric representation.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Speaking of D.C. here is the newest:

    Pentagon Holding Essay Contest To Honor Dead Saudi Dictator Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz

    Obummer doesn’t even bother to send an active US official to Maggie Thatcher’s funeral. He has just thrown a major hissy fit because the Israeli Prime Minister he has been snubbing has been invited by a Republican Congress to a session, but he HONORS a Muslim Dictator with his presence and not the Pentagon is going to hold an essay contest to HONOR the leader of the country whose citizens took out the self-same pentagon?!? A leader whose heir had supported bin Laden?

    New Saudi King Praised Bin Laden Mentor, Sponsored Terror Supporter’s Events

    Does Not Compute… Does Not Compute… Does Not Compute…

  5. Gail Combs says:

    More on the Modern day Slave trade

    Child Slavery in Islamic Countries

    …While tens of thousands of adults are also victims of Arab slavers, many people only first took notice of the Arab slave trade in children when reports of enslaved child camel jockeys emerged from Persian Gulf countries. A 2004 HBO documentary on the subject was especially responsible for making Americans aware of this modern-day barbarism. ….

    “As many as 6,000 child camel jockeys…languished in hidden slavery on ozbah farms, where their masters beat them and starved them to keep their weight down,” wrote E. Benjamin Skinner in his book, A Crime So Monstrous.

    When investigating in the 1990s the enslavement of hundreds of thousands of black Africans in Mauritania by Arab-Berber masters, African-American author Samuel Cotton was stunned to discover that African children were still being kidnapped by Arabs traveling with camels carrying big baskets. The child, usually playing alone, would suddenly be snatched from its play and placed in one such basket, after which its new owners hurried away. ….

    Also during his investigation, which was summarized in his highly informative book Silent Terror: A Journey Into Contemporary African Slavery, Cotton was told there was “still a huge trafficking in slaves going on between Mauritania and the United Arab Emirates.”

    Black African children are also not always stolen so surreptitiously. Until recently in the southern Sudan, the old-fashioned slave raid witnessed villages being burned down, the men killed and the women and children captured. This was the Arab slavers’ main harvesting tool of humans. Thousands of children were captured by this murderous method and forcibly taken as agricultural, domestic and sex slaves to Arab northern Sudan — where many still languish today. Darfur has also seen many children disappear from both refugee camps and towns subjected to central government attack. They are suspected victims of Arab slave hunters.

    But it is not only non-Arab children who are Arab child slave trade victims. An Egyptian newspaper, referring to a 2008 UNICEF report, stated Egyptian children are being bought and sold for about $3,000 for “domestic work and farming, among other things.” This trade in children is so extensive in Egypt, organizations are “employing brokers, and even operating their own web sites.

    “Many are also sent to the Gulf States, with orphanages being a major supplier,” the story further reports…..

    An article from several years ago told why a male black slave is so valuable. The male child is made a eunuch by removing everything. Most die as a result.

    From this article:

    3) Islam’s Eunuch slavery: Eunuch slavery became prominent within 200 years of the initial Arab jihad conquests (i.e., 9th century) and continued into the 20th century (Bostom 2005, p. 92). Eunuch slaves were obtained from raids outside the Muslim lands. Under Islam male slaves were castrated usually between the ages of 4 and 12. Most were used to supervise women in Muslim harems. Handsome young boy eunuchs (Ghilman) were also used for homosexual activity.

    The following text can clearly be read in the Koran as Allah sanctioning the use of eunuchs — who clearly lack sexual desire or needs or vigor (capacity to perform sexually), particularly when castrated as children:

    Koran 24.31 “And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, …..or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! So that you may be successful” (shakir translation USC site)

    Koran 52.24 “Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, young male servants (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded.”

    Disgustingly Muslim apologist Amuni (2008) tries to make Islam sound great by noting the eunuchs (some only) “life of luxury.” “Aren’t you just keen to be completely emasculated so you can service your master’s desires or guard his harem?” …

    While Slavic and Greek slaves had their testicles removed, black African slaves had their testicles and penis cut off (Trivkovic 2002, p. 174). Slaves across Islam’s reach e.g. India, Asia were castrated. Black slaves were castrated “based on the assumption that the blacks had an ungovernable sexual appetite” (Scourge, 2004)….

    The King of these people is who Obummer bows to and honors? THESE are the people Blacks in the USA HONOR and whose religion they adopt?!? Are they nuts?

    • omnologos says:

      Badly overstated case. It kills the argument. I wonder what the truth ve.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Why is it overstated? Slavery was legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962 and only made illegal in 1962 because of pressure from JFK. We are all aware of how laws are not enforced here in the USA. Do you think a law imposed from outside the country will be enforced in Saudi Arabia?

        The country Mauritania did not ban slavery until 2007. An estimated 10% to 20% of the population still lives in slavery.

        Saudis have been caught with slaves here in the USA

        These people mutilate their own daughters. Female genital mutilation was only banned in the United States in 1996. Despite a growing number of mutilations done to resident girls either here or abroad during ‘summer vacation’ there have been NO PROSECUTIONS. Thomson Reuters Foundation – Mon, 11 Mar 2013 Female genital mutilation on the rise in the United States-report

        …The report said FGM has been performed in the United States by health care providers who support FGM or do not want to question families’ cultural practices.

        Whether performed covertly on U.S. soil or in ceremonies held in ancestral homelands during school vacations, the procedure often is done by traditional practitioners using crude implements, such as razor blades and broken glass. They often operate in unsanitary conditions, far from medical facilities, without anaesthesia, antiseptics or antibiotics.

        The physical and psychological effects can be devastating and even fatal. FGM can cause severe pain during sexual intercourse, haemorrhage, shock, complications in childbirth and fistula….

        And then there is what is done to prisoners:

        The state of the world’s human rights
        Amnesty International AI, Annual Report 2013


        Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees and sentenced prisoners were reported to be common, widespread and generally committed with impunity. Reported methods included beating, suspension by the limbs and sleep deprivation. Those tortured reportedly included detained protesters, who were held incommunicado for days or weeks without charge or trial….


        The courts continued to impose sentences of flogging as a principal or additional punishment for many offences. At least five defendants were sentenced to flogging of 1,000 to 2,500 lashes. Flogging was carried out in prisons….

        Save Convicts from Amputation
        Human Rights Watch, Beirut, December 16, 2011

        After Unfair Trials, Court Sentences Six to Lose Hands, Feet

        The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia should void a sentence to amputate the hands and feet of six stateless people convicted of armed robbery, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to the Saudi Human Rights Commission. The sentence constitutes internationally prohibited torture.

        • omnologos says:

          Gail – I was referring to unneeded argumentative text such as “Disgustingly Muslim apologist”. If one is interested in stopping slavery and FGM, the last thing to do is to waste time in anti-Islam statements. It’s a bit like trying to argue for gay rights by claiming every Roman Catholic is a natural homophobe. It’s not true.

          For example FGM is practiced in certain areas of the world and it involved Christians and Muslims alike, and likewise there are many Muslims who just don’t do FGM and are as disgusted by it as we are. It’s got little to do with Islam itself.

          I always wonder if authors speak their mind or are just using excuses to write something against this or that group. In this case as soon as the Quran got “quoted” I knew there was little interest in human rights and a lot of interest in hating Islam (not by you – by the author of the article you quoted).

  6. Ernest Bush says:

    Looks like DC and Maryland may have gotten as much as New York City. Maybe more.

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