Spoiled Children

From Fox News : Ivy league students struggling to deal with not getting the toy they wanted.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Spoiled Children

  1. Bob G says:

    Let me be the first to admit…. if Trump would have lost, I’d be crying like a baby too. like we’ve all discussed before it’s common Sense versus no sense, and if the country votes for no sense, I find that something to cry about.

    • oeman50 says:

      I’m with you, Bob. If he had lost, I would be sitting on in my lounger with hot chocolate (and marshmallows), warm cookies, and a fuzzy puppy until the tears ran out.

  2. arn says:

    Elite universities – the top of the top.
    Where the smartest strong men and women are made.
    The future of the country 🙂
    Where every professor is as smart as the chief editor of the scientific american.

    Where the intellectuel level is so outstanding
    that none of them even realises
    that they only parrot MSM nonsense
    that Trump already was president and that everything they claimed about his first presidency was wrong
    that Kamala ran for president as result of the most undemocratic process in history(most of the students didn’t even know who Kamala was until August)
    and where everything is fine as long as (demented)warcriminals are elected.

    Welcome to Harvard –
    Where you pay hundreds of thousands to be turned into
    a pathetic moron.
    But you will feel superior for the rest of your life(and we will give you a portable safe zone for free.)

    • Robertvd says:

      Yeb. The education system is the countries biggest problem. It is here where they create those nasty Green Shirts and Climate Jugend. Indoctrinate them when they are young every totalitarian system knows that. So the brainwashing starts well before they enter Harvard.

      • arn says:

        Passolini, the director who got killed after his 120 days of Sodom was released, already said in the 70ies that they are trying to turn the education system into a joke.

        A few years later Charlotte Iserbyte , who worke for the educational branch of the government,
        released the book The deliberate dumbing down of America.

        The Rockefellers have been sponsoring Ivy League and other top colleges for 100 years.
        We see what they got in return.

        And if you want to know which countries in Europe will easily outperform the rest in terms of IQ etc, just take a look at those that do not participate in their education system
        but kept their old standards.

  3. rah says:

    Oh, wait until the hammer falls on them. Trump has a plan and when he starts implementing it the wails and tears flowing from the Ivory Towers is going to epic!

    • Robertvd says:

      Maybe more men should enter the by women dominated education system.

    • arn says:

      Surfing the tsunami of liberal tears has been a joy so far
      and the ride is getting better and better.
      If we can keep’em crying throughout the Trump presidency
      there will never ever be a drought again
      and we may finally get a bit of the promised sea level rise.

  4. Peter Carroll says:

    Oh dear! We had a saying, just for occasions like this when I served in the RAAF (1970 – 1990). “My heart pumps piss for you”!

  5. Michael Abbott says:

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    When I was in school, the professors would have rubbed their hands together and given a pop quiz worth half of your semester credit the day after the election, hoping that the most airhead kids would sleep in and miss it.

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