Shock News : Green Admits That His Movement Is A Bunch Of Liars

Previously I had just thought they were a bunch of idiots.

You mustn’t believe the lies of the Green zealots. And I should know – I was one

Last updated at 11:26 AM on 4th July 2011

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Shock News : Green Admits That His Movement Is A Bunch Of Liars

  1. His book will be out soon. Never underestimate the importance of publicity!!

  2. suyts says:

    I just got finished reading the article. It is an amazing transformation of a true believer, but it is incomplete. Hopefully, his curiosity won’t end with the solutions to the imaginary problem.

    But here’s his money quote, “So what changed?

    Through research, I found that much of what I believed about environmental issues had little, if any, basis in science.”

    I’ve no idea how one concludes that a group of people would only be dishonest about one aspect of an issue and not others. Perhaps he’s in the bargaining stage of accepting a traumatic reality.

    • Traitor in Chief says:

      exactly what I was thinking as I read the article. Then a few fall from grace, and others around them begin to wonder: “could he be right?” This is a person they trusted, who knew the reasons for devotion, now explaining to friends that the “Deniers” were actually the folks who had it right all along…. once again.

      During the Moonie heyday I read that the person who succumbs most easily to a cult is someone looking to fill a void in their life, by seeking comraderie and emotional fulfillment. This is the centerpiece of the cult of Marxism. It’s no wonder they cluster together and organize little “feel good” groups in everything they do. It’s the pathetic needy obsession of the emotionally broken: To cling in mutual dependency to other needy fearful Lost souls. They don’t need social justice. They need Zoloft and a kick in the seat of the pants.

      It’s no wonder that conservatives are seen as heartless when they don’t pander to the weepy whining bedwetters.

  3. Jimbo says:

    This is news?

  4. ralph says:

    I think “idiots” is far more appropriate considering EVERYTHING Greens have pushed to “save the planet” works just the opposite of how it was supposed to.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    …….while Greens may be right about climate change…..

    His search for truth only goes so far.

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