During an economic depression, it is always a good idea to force employers to purchase an expensive, worthless, imaginary commodity.
On July 10, the Australian government outlined a national carbon pricing scheme to tax greenhouse gas emissions at $23AUD per tonne, while the Canadian government has set emissions targets but has yet to announce a plan for decarbonizing economic growth.
Canada’s lack of a plan to tackle carbon intensity in our economy presents a risk to this country’s future prosperity.
Canada’s economy seems to be doing a lot better than many, including the USAs. But they can change that. Just add a carbon tax! Then the USA will pass them by (at a snail’s pace of course since we are saddled with Obamanomics).
It’s a Psychological Warfare ploy. They are right. They are absolutely right. But… exactly what the “future” is, that is the incredible lie. They want YOU to ASSUME that EVERYTHING that is “GOOD” today, and tomorrow, and in the future, is ALL in JEOPARDY without their proposal. That the world will END without their Clean Green Carbon Tax. That civilization will CRUMBLE and FALL unless everyone faces the CERTINTY that “This Is The ONLY Way!”. Hummmmmm… smart little Nazi Brainwashing Trick isn’t it? Tell the truth! Just tell the simple truth! That’s all they have to do and all the frightened little brainless idiots will vote YES every time. Unless… unless… unless the brainless idiots look at the price tag on the future that these thieves want them to buy sight unseen; or worse, imagine a different and better future. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see, it’s still a liar’s world out there, even when they tell their own “truth”.
Who wants a job? Here are the numbers for the month of June, you decide…
The US economy added 18,000 jobs (pop 310 million) http://www.financialpost.com/m/blog.html?b=business.financialpost.com/2011/07/08/the-disastrous-u-s-june-jobs-report-blow-by-blow&s=Opinion The Canadian economy grew by 28,400 (pop 34 million) news.yahoo.com/canada-churns-more-jobs-expected-june-111342474.html Proportionately the US should have added 259,000 jobs. Better yet!! (Aside, I’ve been harping about this province for many years, if I was not established, thats where I’ld be) Saskatchewan added 3,600 jobs (pop 1 million) http://www.skcaucus.com/index.php?pageid=NewsDetail&newsid=158 Proportionately the US should have added an astounding 1.1 million jobs. Sask has oil, coal, wheat oh, and 20% of the worlds potash (fertilizer)!! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potash_Corporation_of_Saskatchewan
So here’s what you do… get to the border, say the word refugee and you’re in. No questions asked. Any border. Next step, move to Saskatchewan, no one will ever find you. Only 3% of Canadians know where Saskatchewan is… and they live there!!! Oh, did I mention they have oil sands too?
Or, you can stay Made In America… and move to Texas. “Over the past five years, Texas added more net new jobs than all other 49 states combined (May 2006-May 2011).” http://www.governor.state.tx.us/files/ecodev/State_to_State.pdf Or put another way “The inventory of private-sector jobs in Texas increased by 732,800 between April 2001 and the same month this year… once the national economy began improving, allowing it to create 251,700 new jobs in the past year alone.” http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/on-numbers/scott-thomas/2011/05/texas-adds-732800-jobs-in-10-years.html
Downside… they’ll find you in Texas.
lol, I wonder if anyone really buys that argument.
Some gems from this delusional individual….
“It will be a world with emerging constrains on carbon intensive activities in export markets and one where the growth technologies and industries of the future are likely to be greener.”
“It’s clear that the transition to a low carbon growth plan in both countries will be both long and costly in terms of public and private investment.”
So, while William Kimber acknowledges the expense, he doesn’t acknowledge an alternative to this carbon inanity. The world will recognize this power grab, indeed, most of it has already. If the western world wishes to remain competitive in the global markets of tomorrow, the sooner we scrap our concern over CO2, the better. Emerging nations don’t care about CO2 emissions and they will economically crush the developed world if we continue this path. There is no option.
Five degrees of warming would destroy Canada and make it uninhabitable. It would only be -55 in the Yukon during January, rather than the usual -60.
1500 Obamacare waivers. Can there be any doubt governments will play favorites with a carbon tax? Go back to sleep. Everything is fine. Big Bother is watching you. (yes, I meant bother, he aint no brother of mine)
Winning the lottery is likewise a risk to your lifestyle. We should ban lotteries to save from terrible harm those poor people who win them.