200 Named Storms In 2011?

I extrapolated out NOAA’s current rate of storm naming and it looks like they could name 200 storms this year before December. They just need to be careful not to use any names which might be considered blasphemous by the religion of peace.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to 200 Named Storms In 2011?

  1. Andy WeissDC says:

    They can name what I just flushed down the toilet and probably will.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    Katrina II

    That’s enough of a proposed list, no need for more names

  3. chris y says:

    That’s not correct, Steve. You are using a Richard Alley linear extrapolation of data collected so far, with physics arguments linking global warming to increasing numbers of storms.

    You should be using a Hansen exponential response based on solid physics arguments. With an assumed doubling every week, the predicted number of named storms by November 30 will be…
    approximately 250,000 named storms.

    Some people may quibble about the exponential rate, but you shouldn’t bother jousting with such jesters.

    I need to find an online copy of Hansen’s PhD thesis on Venus.
    Aerosol-driven cooling that masks dominant CO2 warming on Earth- $73 trillion over 50 years.
    Aerosol dominated warming on Venus- priceless.

  4. Brian G Valentine says:


    sorry left it out

  5. PJB says:

    The more named storms in the Atlantic, the more it puts the lie to CAGW. Natural, regional variations that exceed catastrophic world-wide effects predicted by sorry-ass model “scenarios”.

    Ya just gotta know how to spin the record, man! 😉

  6. Tony Duncan says:

    by religion of peace you wouldn’t be referring to the guy Stroman shot would you?

    “‘I was an uneducated idiot back then and now I’m a more understanding human being,’ Stroman said”

    He killed two South Asian immigrants and shot another -RAIS BHUIYAN – in the face at close range, blinding him in one eye.
    It was the death of 49-year-old Vasudev Patel that put Stroman on death row.
    Lone survivor Mr Bhuiyan unsuccessfully SUED to STOP the execution, saying his MUSLIM BELIEFS told him to forgive Stroman.
    The 26-year old was a recent immigrant when he encountered Stroman and it took him years to recover from the gun shot – with bits of metal still embedded in his face.
    The DEVOUT MUSLIM previously said he learned to FORGIVE Stroman years ago, adding ‘I’m trying to do my best not to allow the loss of another human life. I’ll knock on every door possible’.
    The native of Bangladesh and a former convenience store worker lost the sight in one of his eyes when Stroman shot him in the face.
    He also said he wanted to spend time with the convict to learn more about why the shootings occurred.
    But despite a well publicised petition and website called ‘World Without Hate’, a federal district judge in Austin rejected the suit and Mr Bhuiyan’s request for an injunction on Wednesday afternoon.

    BTW Steve I am open for a bet on your graph. I’ll give you 100:1 odd on there being less than 150 named storms this season. Say 50,000 dollars gets you 5 million?

    • Blade says:

      Tony Duncan, what a dumbass child you are.

      Now check google and see if you can find correspoding stories for DEVOUT MOSLEM Hussein survivors in Iraq sueing to stop Saddam’s execution. (no regime dead-enders allowed).

      The point no doubt eludes you though, by you CAPPING all those words you are implying that MOSLEM BELIEFS are the civilized anti-death penalty forgiveness position while us (and allegedly you) barbaric NON-MOSLEMs are the evil executioners in black hoods.

      Actually, almost nothing you write ever is true, much less makes any sense. Just this once, explain your point, mmmkay?

      P.S. the religion of peace (RoP) hardly needs your help with all the political correctness infesting the modern world. Why you actually feel the need to dabble in this is quite another story. I’ll bet your psychiatrist clears his schedule whenever you are in town.

    • Gator says:

      A guy shot in the face constitutes the entire religion of peace? Fascinating.

      Now I understand how an entire pseudoscience can be created by a singular lie. Because there will always be some dumb enough to believe it.

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