Reader “cohesivedissolution” writes :
it would be prudent to also note that in the last 50 years, the earth has warmed by 4-6 degrees.
Reader “cohesivedissolution” writes :
it would be prudent to also note that in the last 50 years, the earth has warmed by 4-6 degrees.
It would be interesting to see were he got a 4-6 degree figure from when HadCRUT3V is showing a .75C degree temperature rise over a 161 year period. I read the new Kennedy etal. paper on HADSST corrections a couple of days ago. The corrected data is showing a .38C degree rise in SST from 1940 to 2006. Of course the temperature trend of 70% of the planet’s surface over a 66 year time frame takes a back seat to the hysteria being created by a few days of heat that occurred on .5% of the planet’s surface.
Time to toss some virgins into volcanoes to please the weather gods.
Follow the link to the original post. He misread the graph.
Interesting how quick he was to accept a 5 degree increase in temps, then provides a link to the IPCC report. Awesome.
Claiming peer review to boot! Guess he missed the scandal of the thousands of references that were from PR literature.
They were reviewed by their peers. One Green Peace activist reviewing another GP activists puff piece. Why question it?
Do we really hafta toss virgins? How about 3 or 4 old hags sub in for 1 virgin? Or goats? Goats would be okay. Dead ones.
I nominate sacrifice of Green Peace Activists, followed by WWF types, and then PETA, etc.
The trouble is this kind of ignorance feeds itself. Some will believe it. SAD!
Even more amazing how daytime temperatures here have been varying by 10 degrees Celsius during the last week.
This sentence was extracted from a larger comment. It was a mistype on my part, I forgot to include the decimal places. I was corrected, and am appreciative of the correction.
If anyone wants to be taken seriously as a climate change conspirist, taking a lesson from the environmentalists might be a good idea. Blame and attack are not pallatable tactics.
I’m glad you all feel safe in the cocoon of this blog, but in reality global climate change is a widely accepted phenomenon.
I don’t care to engage in argument about the validity of the IPCC reports, we could all shoot links and quotes at each other for months. There is plenty of information to support both sides. My point comes back to that there is a productive way to engage in debate, where one’s ideas may be considered by more than those who are already in agreeance. Clearly it is lost here, pity.
Yea, you’re going a long way to engage in a productive debate with some of the terms you used in that post.
I think I will pass. Pity.
here’s another correction…
Criticism of fear-mongering is both welcomed, and necessary. In fact, fear-mongering has the effect of deligimizing a serious global issue
Yes, I think the first step to being like a good environmentalist is to find out where people like you live and then take action against you. I mean, that’s what Greenpeace, does, right?
The next thing we need to do is take a page from the peaceful animal rights groups and pay “consulting and training fees” to people who bomb buildings (peacefully) and (accidentally) claim a few innocent lives. That way we can keep claiming to be non-violent.
Later, we can peacefully drop bowling balls on cars from overpasses and get busted by the FBI for trying to non-violently bomb the campaign HQs of politicians we don’t like.
“There is plenty of information to support both sides.”
“there is a productive way to engage in debate”
First you say the science is out the window, then you want to debate it……………..
99% of geologists agreed that continents can’t move.
All of the paleontologists but three agreed that there were no complex life-forms in the pre-Cambrian. And continued to agree despite evidence to the contrary for a staggering NINETY-THREE years!!
First you accept that you just overestimated Global Warming by a factor of TEN, and yet you stubbornly insist on it being a terrible problem? Don’t you think that your misinterpretation should give you something to think about? I’ll give you a prediction. The warmist scientists will keep reducing and postponing their predicted warming as time goes by but still insist that some day in the future we’re all gonna fry. It will always be “in 20 years”. How long will you believe them?
From what astronomers tell us, some time in the future, the sun is going to go Red Giant and burn the earth to a cinder. So given their predictions are based on real science, I would say that eventually (about 4-5 billion years), the Warmists predictions will come true – just not for the reason they would like us to believe.
“I’m glad you all feel safe in the cocoon of this blog, but in reality global climate change is a widely accepted phenomenon.”
Spoken like someone who feels safe that saying it within this blog, cocoons them from the plethora of other blogs, articles, peer-reviewed studies, etc etc that controvert the same notion.
And for today’s blinding glimpse of the obvious…
“I’m glad you all feel safe in the cocoon of this blog, but in reality global climate change is a widely accepted phenomenon.”
I don’t think you will find any MWP deniers here, only in the IPCC crowd.
Holy Planetary Fever Batman! I just read on a blog that the world has warmed 4-6 degrees in the last 50 years. Given IPCC standards, this ‘gray literature’ could end up in their next report.
Only the best for the IPCC reports! 😉