Winter’s new cold record -31.3C
A new record-low temperature was set on Tuesday night in Vuotso, a village in Sodankylä in Finland’s far north, where the mercury plunged to a blistering -31.3 degrees Celsius.
I always put my beer in the oven when I need to cool it down fast.
When I lived in Germany, our post would sponsor a volksmarch each spring, and I would sometimes help man food and beverage booths along the route. The local brew Dinkel Acker, was always on hand along with American beer, and always on ice. The Germans would point at the Dinkel Acker, then point at the grill, and shake their heads in disbelief as they finished their orders.
I took a tour of the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins a few weeks ago, 95% of their beer is three levels below horse piss, but it was interesting watching people trying to convince themselves that they like “the hoppy taste.”
First Bruce: “We find your American beer like making love in a canoe…”
You missed this-
Apropro your comments on beer-Milwaukee is a cow town where they use every part of the cow…. I went there for a cargo of liquid cow fat( Dripping to us British- best for chips!) I quickly learnt they even can the cow urine and call it beer.( Budweiser or summat.)
It was a scheduled half school day with -48 F at KCAM (official weather reporting station) at
7:00 AM this morning, but since the kids don’t get a break till -50 is announced, they waited frostily at the end of their driveways for their school buses:)
This particular (& normal) 70 year cycle seems to be completed.