Hansen : One mm Of Sea Level Rise Per Day

Sea level will either rise one metre in the next seven years, or not at all. Either way, all hell is going to break loose in the year 2080.

ScreenHunter_363 Dec. 28 06.39


Four metres of sea level rise between 2080 and 2100? That would be almost one mm of sea level rise per day. What kind of moron would propose something so spectacularly inane?

Lefties consider Hansen to be the world’s greatest scientist, because he has no qualms about pulling meaningless numbers out of his ass.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hansen : One mm Of Sea Level Rise Per Day

  1. chris y says:

    The great thing about the exponential rise is that it allows Hansen to claim that he is dead-accurate in his forecast for the next few decades. Even a falling sea level between 2012 and 2030 is ‘consistent with’ the exponential curve, because it can be hand-waved away by claiming natural variations that will soon be swamped by Gaia’s acute OCO toxemia. In 2030, Hansen can claim that it is Wirth than he thought in 2012, or 2002, or 1992, or 1982, because the exponential sea level rise will be even steeper.

    The bad thing about showing a linear and exponential prediction on the same graph is that it provides a first estimate of the accuracy of Hansen’s sea level prediction, as already illustrated by our esteemed host.

    Someone needs to introduce Hansen to the exponential function A(exp(ibt) + exp(-ibt)).

  2. Andy DC says:

    Hansen is simply trying to scare people into funding his nutty scam. Anyone looking into his 30 year track record will immediately conclude that his is a charlatan.

  3. The cleverness in this paper consists of making scientific claims that cannot be tested until long after he is dead.

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