No Trend In McKibben Snowfall

ScreenHunter_366 Dec. 29 07.55

McKibben thinks that one dry winter in 2011-2012 is a trend. Three of the ten snowiest years have been since 1998, including 2010-2011.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to No Trend In McKibben Snowfall

  1. Sean says:

    Interesting chart. The movie “White Christmas” was released in 1954, after a decade of low snow winters in Vermont. So the premise of no snow at the resort was pretty well established.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Another amazingly consistent chart.

  3. Rosco says:

    Have a look at these photos from July 2011

    I understand this is a mountain pass forming part of the Going to the Sun Road but I thought July was Summer – the snow drifts are still feet deep.

    It is easy to search photos from previous years and find nice green grass and wildflowers at least a month earlier – May or June.

    This is simply amazing weather for July 2011 and certainly inexplicable if the AGW hypothesis has any validity.

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