Climate Activists Want To Protect Their Funding

A few weeks ago, an organization of imbeciles called “protect our winters” said that we need to “intervene in the climate” to save the ski industry.

POW – Climate Impacts on the Winter Tourism Economy in the United States

They must have intervened.

December 27, 2012

JAY, Vt. (AP) — Vermont’s winter resorts are celebrating what’s shaping up to be a terrific holiday week, thanks mainly to the weather

Jay Peak President Bill Stenger says his northern Vermont resort was already in good shape, with more than a foot of natural snow in recent days and excellent weather recently for making snow. With a big new storm hitting the state, Stenger says that’s making for superb conditions as the New Year’s weekend approaches.

For Vermont ski areas, snow is well-timed – News –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Climate Activists Want To Protect Their Funding

  1. omnologos says:

    It’s amazing. They protected the winters indeed!

  2. johnmcguire says:

    I offer guilt massage for a nominal fee . If you feel guilty because you have become successfull or someone has left you money then send me the money and be free of your guilt . There see how easy it is . You don’t have to go on a rant about anything or involve yourself in some organization or group . Just send me the money and be free . I won’t feel guilty about it . 🙂

  3. lance says:

    “thanks mainly to the weather”…shouldn’t that paper have written thanks to climate change? /sarc…

  4. Paul in Sweden says:

    Jay Peak has some good runs. 🙂

  5. Pathway says:

    My son is snowboarding in NH and he sent a text yesterday saying it was the best snow they have seen since moving to Boston.

  6. I love it when a plan comes together..

    Every time someone or group moans about the climate, Nature teaches them a lesson and does the opposite. Too bad they never learn and constantly get an “F” 😉

  7. kbray in california says:

    We could have year-round skiing by coating the slopes with paraffin plus a light dusting of talcum powder. Forget about that nasty cold wet snow, it’s sooo old school.

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