Understanding The Obama-Feinstein Gun Confiscation Plan

The general idea is that taking rifles away from law-abiding citizens in Wyoming, will reduce the number of illegal handgun deaths in gun-free Chicago.

Obama apparently believes that people in Wyoming are buying expensive rifles, shrinking them down into hand guns, and selling them for cheap to gangsters in Chicago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Understanding The Obama-Feinstein Gun Confiscation Plan

  1. miked1947 says:

    Watch out because I read about a Gun Control Law in Colorado! That law will keep Assault Bubble Guns out of the hands of kids in Washington DC! The law in California will keep Nerf Pistols out of the hands of Gangsters in New York City.

  2. kbray in california says:

    A group of Florida Democrats start a Self Service Tax Filing Enterprise:


    “Bruce Parton… was gunned down on his daily mail route in December 2010 by members of an identity theft ring who stole his master key as part of a scheme to claim fraudulent tax refunds.”

    After confiscation, only these criminals will possess the private guns.

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