University Of Hawaii : Over 600 Million People Murdered By Government

ScreenHunter_99 Feb. 19 22.44

Murder By Government–Democide

This is why we have the Second Amendment – which lefties are desperate to destroy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to University Of Hawaii : Over 600 Million People Murdered By Government

  1. Otter says:

    They only go to the 19th Century? Why is that? Don’t they want to show what the numbers do in, say, communist countries and their wars, during the 20th Century?
    I suspect they wanted to avoid having to tack on another 100,000,000-Plus for the worldview they believe in.

  2. Gina says:

    The numbers say 625 thousand (pre-20th century, of course); why do you inflate that estimate to “over 600 million?

    Also, highest estimate – the China figures – spans two millenia, which means on average just under 16 per year. The estimate for India (which spans six centuries) works out to .75 per year.

    • Gina says:

      OK, I apologize. I initially misread the chart. Disregard the above comment, please.

    • squid2112 says:

      No, I believe YOU are reading it wrong. Those numbers are in the thousands (hence the: (000)). So, for example, China is 33,,519 (000), which makes it 33,519,000 or 33 million!

      Further, 625,716 (000) … or 625,716,000 or 625 million!

      I think you had better look again Gina…

  3. Gina says:

    Oh, and some of these, including the Mongol raids, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and the Crusades do not refer to governments oppressing their own people but rather making war on another people or nation. In these cases one government and its populace collaborate in making war on another people or peoples.

  4. John Bogen, M.D. says:

    How about 20th century data? Stalin, Mao, U.S. wars, many others…

  5. tckev says:

    Sorry, that unGored Inconvenient Truth has yet to be officially sanctioned as fact.

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