It Has Been A Long Time Since Nixon Was Prez

Hard to believe, but Stevie Nicks will be 65 years old in May.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to It Has Been A Long Time Since Nixon Was Prez

  1. Try this one:

    From the “Stormy Weather” concert (Concert for the Benefit of the Walden Woods Project) 1998.

  2. gator69 says:

    “CO: Secret energy lab spawns million dollar govt employee”

    GOLDEN, Colo. – The federal government’s dream of a renewable energy empire hinges on a scrubby outpost here, where scientists and executives doggedly explore a new frontier.

    If you live outside Colorado, you probably haven’t heard of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory – NREL for short. It’s the place where solar panels, windmills and corn are deemed the energy source of the future and companies who support such endeavors are courted.

    It’s also the place where highly paid staff decide how to spend hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars.

    And the public pays those decision-makers well: NREL’s top executive, Dr. Dan Arvizu, makes close to a million dollars per year. His two top lieutenants rake in more than half a million each and nine others make more than $350,000 a year.

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    Silver Springs one of Steve Nicks best, and least heard songs.

  4. tckev says:

    Writing to the President about the weather –
    Dear Mr. President:

    Aware of your deep concern with the future of the world, we feel obliged to inform you on the results of the scientific conference held here recently. The conference dealt with the past and future changes of climate and was attended by 42 top American and European investigators. We enclose the summary report published in Science and further publications are forthcoming in Quaternary Research.

    The main conclusion of the meeting was that a global deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any hitherto experience by civilized mankind, is a very real possibility and indeed may be due very soon.
    The cooling has natural cause and falls within the rank of processes which produced the last ice age. This is a surprising result based largely on recent studies of deep sea sediments.
    Existing data still do not allow forecast of the precise timing of the predicted development, nor the assessment of the man’s interference with the natural trends. It could not be excluded however that the cooling now under way in the Northern Hemisphere is the start of the expected shift. The present rate of the cooling seems fast enough to bring glacial temperatures in about a century, if continuing at the present pace.

    The practical consequences which might be brought by such developments to existing social institution are among others:
    (1) Substantially lowered food production due to the shorter growing seasons and changed rain distribution in the main grain producing belts of the world, with Eastern Europe and Central Asia to be first affected.
    (2) Increased frequency and amplitude of extreme weather anomalies such as those bringing floods, snowstorms, killing frosts, etc.

    With the efficient help of the world leaders, the research …

    With best regards,

    George J. Kukla (Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory)
    R. K. Matthews (Chairman, Dept of Geological Sciences, Brown U)
    Dated 3 December 1972.

    Nixon then set in motion an investigation, and as they say the rest is history.

    Also see

  5. What about Grace Slick and Jefferson Airplane? Roger Miller? Melanie? Donovan? Connie Francis? “The Happy Organ”? “Telstar”? Judy Collins? Duane Eddy? And of course, and above all…Slim Whitman (“When I’m calling you, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh”).

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