Hansen : 25 Metres Of Sea Level Rise

Prof. Hansen and his colleagues argue that rapidly melting ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland could cause oceans to swell several metres by 2100 – or maybe even as much as 25 metres, which is how much higher the oceans sat about three million years ago.

Will oceans surge 59 centimetres this century – or 25 metres? — Department of Physics at University of Toronto

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Hansen : 25 Metres Of Sea Level Rise

  1. cdmyers00 says:

    Only 25 meters? So much for my dream of ocean-front property here in Nebraska.

    I think alarmists believe if they throw enough dates at us, something unbelievable will HAVE to happen on one of them, then they can say, “See, we told you so!”

  2. “So why the radical discrepancies between Prof. Hansen’s predictions and those of the IPCC? Certain positive feedback effects, as well as recent data on the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, were not included in the IPCC’s report. “Because of the cumbersome IPCC review process, they exclude recent information,” Prof. Hansen says, “so they are very handicapped.””

    I’d say that is bullshit…

    “”[Prof. Hansen’s] basic thesis is undeniable, because the mathematical models, which we have developed to describe the evolution of ice sheets, do not include certain processes that control how quickly an ice sheet could respond to climate warming,” he says. “You need a model that incorporates all physical processes – and no such model exists.”

    The thesis is undeniable because stuff we don’t understand and don’t know how to model will definitely happen. OK…. more Kool Aid please…

  3. tomwys says:

    Professor Peltier gets it right in the end, after a fair amount of drivel.

    He says: “We really don’t know what the future has in store. I am incapable of predicting how fast the ice sheets will melt, and so is he. But I don’t think we are going to hell in a handbasket.”

  4. gator69 says:

    It is amazing that with all the sophistication and availability of modern science, that so many scientists cling to wild conjecture. This would be a fun topic to discuss over a beer at a backyard BBQ, but has no place in serious academia.

  5. RoscoRosco says:

    Love the final comment in the referenced article –

    “However, Prof. Peltier does not think that the ice caps are likely to melt as quickly as Prof. Hansen suggests. “We really don’t know what the future has in store. I am incapable of predicting how fast the ice sheets will melt, and so is he.

    But I don’t think we are going to hell in a handbasket.””

    Hansen’s trashed reputation probably will though.

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