More Hockey

I’ve been sitting at the bar tonight in Burlington, Onario, watching the Canadian women’s hockey team massacre Norway.

Temperatures here have been running about 7C below normal, and I am reminded of the unprecedented heating of Mann and Marcot.

ScreenHunter_256 Mar. 02 06.55

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to More Hockey

  1. LLAP says:

    I live 15 minutes drive from Burlington … which bar were you at?

  2. Michael says:

    Isn’t there any curling?

  3. Larry Fields says:

    Hi Steven,
    Initially I was puzzled by Pachauri’s admission of no warming trend for 17 years. Being cautious, I only make a 15-year claim, and freely admit that there was some piddling warming up through 1998. Now I understand his motive.

    As your graph shows, there’s been a nascent cooling trend in recent years. But it would be premature to make that a conversation-stopper. The slightly longer timeline would delay the statistical significance of the apparent cooling trend–assuming that it continues. In other words, Pachi is trying ‘to get ahead of the story’.

    • Me says:

      Sticking his foot in the door like the snake oil saleman he is for future endeavors. Ya know keeping it open fer the next round so to speak.

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