Checking In With The PIOMAS Nonsense

I generated the graph below by dividing PIOMAS ice volume by UIUC ice area.

It shows that ice thickness used to increase by 1.5 metres over the winter, but now it only increases by half that much. This is complete nonsense – the ice is thinner now and should increase by more than it used to, because the water has less insulation between it and the air.

ScreenHunter_132 Apr. 08 16.27

PIOMAS is a critical tool for Arctic alarmists, because it allows the brain-damaged faithful to believe that the Arctic is going to become ice-free.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Checking In With The PIOMAS Nonsense

  1. etudiant says:

    The freezing rate is probably not much changed whether the Arctic temperature is 25 below or 30 below. So the difference has to be underlying ocean temperature and current.
    Is there any indication of accelerated Arctic ocean currents or increased water temperature over the past several decades? Absent those, it would be hard to rationalize the PIOMAS trends.

  2. Chewer says:

    Modeling and simulations are the better than sliced bread for the ass wipes!

  3. Brian D says:

    This is a good site to visit to see bouy data on ice thickness.

    The mooring info pretty cool. Didn’t realize ice got quite that thick. 10-20m at times. Looking at the Navy ice animation, you can see patches of thicker areas forming in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.
    (click link under header)

    Question. If higher pressure is more dominant in the central Arctic basin this year, how would that effect the ice?

  4. gator69 says:

    Models are real world observations? Somebody needs forced medication, and a paddling for being a big fat liar! 😆

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