Democrats Closely Following Hitler’s Game Plan

ScreenHunter_141 Apr. 08 18.16

Fast forward to the present.

‘I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.

– Barack Obama

Obama: ‘People shouldn’t be allowed to own guns’

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Democrats Closely Following Hitler’s Game Plan

  1. gator69 says:

    You would think there would be more black NRA members. But culture trumps reason now, and if Hillary ran against a black republican, she could count on over 90% of the black vote. We need more FDR’s, Frederick Douglas Republicans.

  2. I’m not sure quoting Adolf Hitler as an authority on history really works that well. There are more than a few historical, scientific and other errors in Mein Kampf.

  3. pyromancer76 says:

    Will Nitschke, I realize you are commenting tongue-in-cheek. I don’t think Steven was quoting him as an authority on history, but as someone who knew what was necessary to make history turn in the most evil direction possible. Thanks, Steven, for all you do everyday. I have sent this post on to important people in my life.

  4. terrence says:

    Sieg Hiel – “Hail, Victory.”

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