Arctic In Collapse : Only 260,000 Manhattans Of Ice Remain

ScreenHunter_146 Apr. 09 04.26

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Each Polar Bear only has nine Manhattans of ice to themselves.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Arctic In Collapse : Only 260,000 Manhattans Of Ice Remain

  1. miked1947 says:

    Maybe they should just resume Polar Bear hunting to thin them out a bit! A Polar Bear needs at least 12 Manhattans to be “Comfortable”! 😉

  2. Andy Oz says:

    But. But this is the warmists red letter year!
    They are all aquiver with excitment that there will be zero ice by September. Funny.
    Just as the Arctic ice hits its usual annual low, Australia will be tossing out the ALP moron politicians, repealing the carbon tax and sacking all the Climate Commission bureaucrats.
    An early stake in the heart of this bloodsucking craze.

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