Climate Scum Speaks With Forked Tounge

Sea ice loss makes it warmer

February 20, 2013

Arctic Sea Ice Loss: It’s Worse Than We Thought

Loss of Arctic sea ice is significant because it can contribute to positive feedback mechanisms that can accelerate global warming even further.

Arctic Sea Ice Loss: It’s Worse Than We Thought 

Sea ice loss makes it colder

March 26, 2013

climate scientists are saying that Arctic sea ice—or the lack of it—is a driving force behind the Northern Hemisphere’s unseasonably cold spring.

As Northern Hemisphere temperatures remain below normal more than a week into the official start of spring, a team of meteorologists and climate scientists are pointing to recent research that suggests sea ice cover is a likely culprit.

Less Arctic sea ice—which is caused by global warming—alters atmospheric circulation in a way that leads to more snow and ice, said climate scientist Jiping Liu

Is Shrinking Sea Ice Behind Chilly Spring?

These people have no shame, integrity, or scientific skill. It is all about the funding.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Climate Scum Speaks With Forked Tounge

  1. Andy DC says:

    Maybe they can prove that the sun rises every morning due to Arctic ice or lack thereof.

  2. gator69 says:

    I remember when they used to blame everything on Bush. If only W had known about sea ice! 😆

  3. pinroot says:

    “Less Arctic sea ice—which is caused by global warming—alters atmospheric circulation in a way that leads to more snow and ice…” Sounds like one of those non-existent negative feedbacks?

  4. “…all about the funding.”

    Which means logic alone can’t change their minds (as we all know well by now). Thus, the system is broken, up to and past the point of insanity.

  5. Jimbo says:

    HERE are climate scientists, the IPCC and environmental spokespersons quoted and telling us to expect warmer winters as a result of global warming. Yet we have been told now, after the fact, that we should expect colder mid-latitude NH winters as a result of global warming. This is climastrology at its finest. 😉

  6. Jimbo says:

    Just today we have:

    Jena Germany Sees Coldest March In 160 Years! Meteorologist Calls Arctic Warmth/Cold Winter Theory “Nonsense
    “I’ve been hearing from some media that it’s all because of the ice melt in the Arctic. That is when the Arctic gets warmer, here it gets colder. Naturally that’s all nonsense! Back then [in 1853] there was no large summer ice melt in the Arctic. Therefore the whole thing has nothing to do with a trend. It is simply just plain weather!”

  7. Chewer says:

    A Dalton, Maunder or Sporer type minimum, along with associated changes in the north Atlantic oscillation, Arctic oscillation and Indian dipole could just be what they’re looking for.

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