For 30 years, James Hansen has been making idiotic predictions of five to twenty metres of sea level rise. Morons on the left take James Hansen’s word as biblical truth.
But try mentioning Noah’s flood, and these same morons think it is hilarious. Their global warming religion is the one true religion, and James Hansen is their one true climate prophet.
Texas congressman: Biblical flood refutes human-caused global warming
Where does Texas get these congressmen?
There isn’t one shred of evidence that Hansen’s catastrophic sea level rise predictions have any merit.
Hansen’s story is a recasting, in a sense, of the biblical myth of the flood. This is why it resonates with the green movement, which is after all, a sort of secular religious movement.
Climate Scientology, the religion of Dumbocrats.
Noah’s flood was an early example of exceptional droughtflood.
It even had an anthropogenic trigger. 🙂
It’s a widely accepted fact that Ponzi style goat farming schemes in Mesopotamia led to the spike in GHG’s that triggered Noah’s anthropogenic droughtflood. They were actually known as Hussein schemes, named after the originator. He is a forefather of Sadaam Hussein and Barack Hussein who carried on his legacy.
Conspiracy theorists please note – Hansen is a western derivative of Hussein.
It seems the ancient schemes are alive and well.
But try mentioning Noah’s flood, and these same morons think it is hilarious.
All beliefs are arbitrary.
Now I have to wipe the soda off my monitor.
Maybe they’re onto something. There’s been no acceleration in sea level under Obama’s watch.
NOAA’s flood vs Noah’s flood. 😉