Medicate Your Children to Guarantee Compliance

ScreenHunter_252 Apr. 12 05.47

It is essential that all children obey their teachers, as servants of the State, without question.

Therefore, children exhibiting the symptoms of mental illness, such as the need to move around during hour-long political lectures or the desire to talk while a commissar-instructor is presenting them with important political teachings, must be immediately medicated into a docile state of passivity.

This way, all impediments to proper ideological formation can be abolished through corrective political pharmacology.

Dear Comrades,

The Manhattangrad Department of Mandatory Health has announced that is has succeeded in diagnosing 20% of the Young Socialists in the school system with some form of mental illness, thus achieving their quota which is designed to keep pace with Party’s overall goal of doubling the number of disabled workers and peasants in the next decade.

Aside from the obvious social benefits of having more disabled children who are qualified for even more benefits, the medicating of these children is helping to stimulate the Pharmaceutical industry at a rate of more than $7 billion per year.

Medicate Your Children to Guarantee Compliance

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Medicate Your Children to Guarantee Compliance

  1. Me says:

    I watched the whole 2+ hrs keystone pipeline hearing, and maybe the lady behind manbatdonkey could have used some of those, but she already looked comatosed.

    • Me says:

      Not only that but ya can tell the leftard states, Ill, NY, Cal, everyone was against. Just saying. If I missed one I appoligise fer not calling your state a leftard. Sorry! 😆

  2. If Steve’s theory made sense marijuana smokers would be the greatest conformists.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Overdiagnosis (with ADD/ADHD) and overmedication (Ritalin, Adderall, etc.), as well as diversion of “legal” drugs such as OxyContin, hydrocodone, alprazolam (Xanax), tramadol (Ultram), Soma, etc., is drugging-out society.
    These drugs have a valid but limited therapeutic role, but docs need to use better judgment when prescribing this stuff. And the stimulants for ADD/ADHD should not be used as academic and athletic performance enhancers.

  4. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    The United States might establish a number of mental health institutions throughout the Aleutian archipelago. “Psychiatry is politics, pure and simple.” -Thomas Szasz

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