Children Just Won’t Know What The Rule Of Law Is

The police violated the law and the US Constitution, and said “they don’t care what the law is.

A decorated war veteran on a Boy Scout hike with his 15-year-old son was arrested alongside a Texas country road after a police officer accused him of “rudely displaying” a firearm.

Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham told Fox News he was illegally disarmed by members of the Temple Police Dept. – even though he held the proper permits to carry his weapons.

Grisham and his son were on a 10-mile hike in a rural area populated by wild boars and cougars. He was carrying an AR-15 rifle and a .45 caliber pistol.

He was charged with resisting arrest – even though video his son filmed of the incident clearly showed that Grisham did not resist arrest. Police later reduced the charges to interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty – a class B misdemeanor.

“I’m still frankly and honestly 100 percent confused about what I’m being charged with,” Grisham said.

Temple Police told local media that the Fort Hood soldier refused to hand of his weapon – leading to his arrest. However, the video shows that Grisham complied with their demands.

One of the officers told Grisham that anyone holding a gun is considered dangerous, according to a 15-minute video obtained by Fox News.

“In this day and age people are alarmed when they see someone with what you have,” one of the officers told a handcuffed Grisham. “They don’t care what the law is.”

Veteran Arrested for ‘Rudely Displaying’ Gun – Todd Starnes – Page 1


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Children Just Won’t Know What The Rule Of Law Is

  1. Ivan says:

    “They don’t care what the law is.”
    The plan seems to be working out nicely.
    Must be something they are putting in the water.
    It’s easy to see how people filed into the “showers” in a docile and orderly fashion.

  2. A Ft. Hood soldier… If he wanted to carry those guns, perhaps he should have changed his name to Hasan, worn Arabic robes, and prayed over them (the guns) as part of his “personal jihad”. Then they would have respected them as his fundamental right.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Maybe in Boston I can understand this happening, but in Texas?

  4. gator69 says:

    That could have been me or any member of my family. Rudely displaying my second amendment right? How many times have we had to listen to leftists rudely display their first amendment rights? Freedom is not PC!

  5. kbray in california says:

    This man should be welcomed, respected, and allowed to travel unmolested as a 2nd amendment member of a “well regulated militia”. However in the modern training of law enforcement, the meaning and true purpose of the 2nd amendment has gone haywire.

    In the true meaning, there could be a militia insignia to wear and an id card to show and the man continues his business, respected as a protector of the peace… In this case, he is arrested as a criminal. That’s fucked up. The garden is fertile for tyranny to thrive.

  6. GW says:

    Please keep us up to date where this goes. THX

  7. phodges says:

    Welcome to the Amerikan SSR…where those who advocate the rule of law are called terrorists, and the State asserts the right to kidnap, torture, and murder.

  8. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    The Blue Code of Silence is as strict as the ghetto no snitch rules and hides as much lawlessness. Should not the police police themselves as much as others?

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