Your Tax Dollars : Financing Jihad In Syria

ScreenHunter_106 Sep. 02 20.45

Syria jihadist rebels prepare for US attack

In theory, any US-led strike against the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad is a gift to the jihadists fighting to overthrow him.

The hailstorm of Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) that is expected to rain down on Syria’s bases and command-and-control centres – if President Barack Obama wins Congressional approval – would certainly hurt the jihadists’ enemy, although perhaps not fatally.

BBC News – Syria jihadist rebels prepare for US attack

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Your Tax Dollars : Financing Jihad In Syria

  1. nomoregore says:

    wow…. lookie that wedding rin….er, uh, Shahada Prayer Ring.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    How can anyone believe a word these politicians say?
    Caught red handed spying on friends!!

  3. Chewer says:

    Which one of the defense munitions contractors made a nice donation recently???
    A few well placed bombs, and Nancy Pelosi (9/2/13 phone in support vote to attack) will be quite pleased and I’m simply shocked. Who knew she was such a war-monger???
    We can now call her Bush lite, albeit with a pound or two of Botox in that grin of hers!

  4. Streetcred says:

    I can’t help but think that Obummer’s moral crusade for the benefit of his Muslim Brotherhood is inspired more so by the desire to force up world prices of fossil fuels by making access to those markets more risky and expensive … through a destabilised Middle East.

    • Obama is driven only by his personal lust for authority, especially for his deluded conception of moral superiority, and for giving himself as much play time as he can. He is an utterly false man, a devout fool, and a tool of others. If Congress gives him its support to attack Syria (why now, after all the missed chances he ignored, at his personal leisure and for his personal political profit, they should be asking themselves), they will only be falsely supporting him personally, and the insanity he represents, not America’s honor, as McCain and other political incompetents claim. Now is the time for our representatives to saw off the limb Obama has climbed out on (and invited them to follow, and thus justify his personal jihad), and give the no-confidence-in-Obama vote that America truly needs.

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