New Rotten, Decayed Ice Forming Very Quickly This Week

Green shows new ice growth over the past week

ScreenHunter_1172 Oct. 01 19.28

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

Alarmist hearts are breaking tonight. All of their dreams of misery for the human race are being shattered.

ScreenHunter_1173 Oct. 01 19.30

Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to New Rotten, Decayed Ice Forming Very Quickly This Week

  1. Bob Koss says:

    In arctic high society news those heroic greenpees adventurers continue to enjoy their posh stay at one of Murmansk’s finest hostelries.

    Greenpeace crew members detained in Russian jails for two months over their open-sea protest against Arctic oil drilling are “close to shock” over their conditions, a rights activist said Tuesday.

    Snip …

    The activists have complained of cold cells and a lack of suitable clothing and food, said Irina Paikacheva, the head of a state-connected regional prisoners’ rights watchdog.

    “Many of them are in a state close to shock,” she told AFP after visiting the prisoners. “They had never expected that they would face such consequences for their peaceful protest in a democratic state.”

    Snip …

    Several non-smoking activists also complain of being placed in cells with chain-smokers.

    Greenpeace spokesman Aaron Gray-Block said in e-mailed comments that several of the detained activists “need prescription medication”.

    “A number of others are taking over the counter medications such as paracetamol for problems such as mild arthritis and back pain,” he said.

    A young Finnish female activist is a vegan and unable to eat prison food, Paikacheva said, adding that prison officials had denied her request for vitamins to be delivered to her.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    Take a look at Buoy #7 location map
    Start Movie at 9:20 mins to see buoy on ice pack then float in open water then the new ice forms or watch the entire thing. you can slow it downby right click while playing and change play speed. Enjoy, Cool

    • Caleb says:

      That is definitely a good clip to study, if you want to understand how arctic ice melts, refreezes, and constantly moves about. One picture is worth a thousand words, and that clip has a thousand pictures.

  3. stewart pid says:

    Somewhere Reggie is sobbing and clutching his blow-torch … too bad so sad … there is always next year Reggie.

  4. Pathway says:

    Anyone that imprisons GP is OK with me.

  5. Chewer says:

    The SST’s down to -24M around the entire basin are even worse for the lying scumwads.
    A regular chiller is gaining speed!

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