Latvia Starting Military Conscription

Latvia is starting a draft to defend against Russia.

8:27 AM · Jul 5, 2022

My first wife was a Russian who grew up in Latvia and faced hatred and discrimination every day of her childhood because she was Russian.  Her response to this tweet :

“Paranoia will destroy ya”

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Biden Invasion Concerns

The Biden administration believes Russia plans to invade both Europe and the moon.

” China is planning its own moon base – together with Russia!”

Nasa boss sounds alarm: Chinese want to occupy the moon Politics |

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Geology Banned

“The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.”

— George Orwell

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Life In An Inverted Universe

If we split the U.S. into two countries, Republican and Democratic side, which side would be more successful?

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July 6, 1936 – Hottest Day On Record Outside Of The Southwest

On July 5, 1936 Steele, North Dakota was 121 degrees – the hottest US temperature on record outside of California, Nevada and Arizona

Twenty-five states were over 100F and seven states were over 110F

ND 121 AZ 116 SD 115 CA 114 MT 112 MN 111 WY 110

IL 108 IN 108 IA 107 CO 106 NE 106 UT 106 MO 105 NV 105 OK 105 AL 104 NM 104
GA  03 WI 103 ID 102 FL 101 SC 101 KS 100 KY 100

07 Jul 1936, Page 1 – Altoona Tribune at

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They Just Weren’t Communist Enough

A common theory among leftists about the failure of the Soviet Union is “they just weren’t communist enough.” Wind and solar advocates think the same way.

Sven Weihusen • 14 minutes ago

Lol, I am German and the energy prices are so high BECAUSE we currently rely on fossil fuels ESPECIALLY Russian gas. We WOULDN’T have these problems, or at least not to this extent, if we had more renewable energy. And with higher fossil fuel prices renewable energy gets more economic.

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100% Renewable In Germany

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.”

– Richard Feynman

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400% Energy Inflation In Europe

“Prices quadruple in a year exacerbated by maintenance problems at French nuclear plants”

Europe power prices hit new high in wake of Russian gas supply cuts | Financial Times

Berlin: additional costs 100 percent up! | Regional |

Government survey now LIVE: What are you doing against the expensive shock, Mr. Scholz? | Politics |

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Life In An Inverted Universe

“Energy poverty is a widespread problem across Europe, as between 50 and 125 million people* are unable to afford proper indoor thermal comfort.”

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Soros Says Democracy Is Far Right Extremism

990px-2016_Presidential_Election_by_County.svg.png (990×627)

George Soros has devoted his life and wealth to undermining the economies and stability of western democracies, and he is upset. He says recent Supreme Court decisions to restore the ability of the public and their elected representatives to govern themselves  is an attack on democracy by Trump’s far right extremists, and that it has Americans “alarmed.”

“US Democracy Under Concerted Attack

Jul 4, 2022   GEORGE SOROS

The American public has been alarmed and aroused by the US Supreme Court’s growing extremism. But voters need to recognize the Court’s radical majority for what it is: part of a carefully laid plan to turn the US into a repressive regime.

NEW YORK – The United States has been a constantly evolving democracy ever since it was founded in 1776, but its survival as a democracy is now gravely endangered. A set of loosely interconnected developments at home and abroad is responsible for this crisis.

From abroad, the US is threatened by repressive regimes led by Xi Jinping in China and Vladimir Putin’s Russia who want to impose an autocratic form of government on the world.

But the threat to the US from the domestic enemies of democracy is even greater. They include the current Supreme Court, which is dominated by far-right extremists, and Donald Trump’s Republican Party, which placed those extremists on the Court.

What qualifies the majority of the Court as extremists? It is not merely their decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that recognized a woman’s right to choose whether to give birth. What qualifies them as extremists is the arguments they used to justify their decision and the indications they gave of how far they might be willing to go in carrying out those arguments.

Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the majority opinion, based his ruling on the assertion that the Fourteenth Amendment protects only those rights that were generally recognized in 1868, when the amendment was ratified. But this argument endangers many other rights that have been recognized since then, among them the right to contraception, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ rights.

Carried to its logical conclusion, this line of reasoning could even allow states to ban inter-racial marriage, as some did until 1967. It is also clear that this Court intends to mount a frontal attack on the executive branch. One of the most consequential rulings of the Court’s just-completed term denied the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to issue regulations needed to combat climate change.

US Democracy Under Concerted Attack by George Soros – Project Syndicate

In 1998, George Soros said he recognized the great evil, but felt no guilt helping Nazis confiscate property from other Jews.

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