Hottest Temperature Ever

Two weeks ago the press was predicting world record temperatures at Death Valley.

The hottest they got this year was 128F, six degrees cooler than 1913.

Wayback Machine

The US was much hotter in 1913 than this year.

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Hottest Summer Ever

Kirye and Toki continue their explorations of what the United Nations calls “global boiling.”

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Salon : Antarctica Rapidly Melting In Midwinter

Antarctic temperatures are far below freezing and far below normal, and Salon says the ice is “rapidly melting.

Antarctica’s rapidly melting ice is in “unprecedented” territory

Climate Reanalyzer

Climate Reanalyzer

“Vast regions of Antarctic coast are exposed that were never bare before.”

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Climate Fakery Part 17

A few more examples of the press and politicians creating completely fake weather stories in order to panic the public into giving up their supply of reliable, affordable energy.

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“Ford Is Losing $66,446 On Every EV It Sells”

Ford Is Losing $66,446 On Every EV It Sells – Robert Bryce

“it’s harder for consumers to charge your vehicle than to fill up a tank of gas right now, and that’s weighing heavily.”

Ford Contends With Falling Electric Vehicle Sales – TheStreet

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Arctic Meltdown Update

July 27 Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in nineteen years, and in the normal range since 1981.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Temperatures will drop below freezing near the North Pole in about two weeks.

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Seven years ago when the extent was low, NASA said it was the “new normal.

Record-Low Arctic Sea Ice Is the ‘New Normal,’ NASA Says | Live Science

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Rewriting Ukraine

Before Ukraine became the defenders of democracy, the press described them as fascists, white supremacists and anti-Semites.

In Ukraine, fascists, oligarchs and western expansion are at the heart of the crisis | Seumas Milne | The Guardian

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Al Gore – Net Zero By 2050

Al Gore says net-zero by 2050.

Meanwhile back in the real world, atmospheric CO2 continues to rise exponentially.

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

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Climate Fakery Part 16

Al Gore has been consistently wrong with his climate apocalypse forecasts for decades, and his incompetence keeps being rewarded by the press.

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Arctic Meltdown Update

July 26 Arctic sea ice extent is the highest since 2009, and higher than 2005.

OSI-420 |

Climate prophet James Hansen predicted the Arctic would be ice-free between 2013 and 2018.

The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search

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