Daily Archives: December 3, 2012

Left Wing News : Guam Is Not The Only Island Tipping Over

A look at what’s happening in Greenland alone should show you that the tipover point has been reached. The Washington Post Yes, those -40 temperatures prove that the climate has tipped. Weather Forecast Summit, Greenland | Summit Weather | Wunderground

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US Headed Over Fiscal Cliff – Obama Gives $7.5 Billion To Other Countries To Prevent Bad Weather

The United States has provided $7.5 billion in international climate aid over the past three years U.S. climate aid reaches across globe – The Washington Post Superstorm Sandy proves that Obama is raging moron.

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More Sea Ice Than On This Date In 1979

On this date in 1979, there was 20.15 million km^2 of sea ice on Earth. Today there is 20.20 million km^2. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.global.anom.1979-2008 Climate experts tell us that the poles are rapidly melting down due to global warming. Global warming melts ice … Continue reading

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EPA To Fine Fairbanks Residents For Not Agreeing To Freeze To Death

It is -40 in Fairbanks, and people are burning wood to keep their family alive. The EPA says this is unhealthy and is planning to fine them. Fairbanks has chronic winter air pollution problems from widespread use of wood- and oil-burning stoves. The … Continue reading

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Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk?

America’s carbon tax offers a lesson to the rest of the planet on fighting climate change | Henry Porter | Comment is free | The Observer At least the Mad Hatter had a legitimate excuse for being insane.

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Mass Murderer Upset That His Coffee Is Cold

Anders Behring Breivik gunned down scores of teenagers in a methodical killing rampage last year on the Norwegian island of Utoya, at one point telling fleeing youths, “You’re all going to die.” Now serving a 21-year prison sentence, Breivik has … Continue reading

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