1936 Was (By Far) The Most Extreme Year In US History

1936 had the most 40C+ maximum temperature readings in US history

ScreenHunter_320 Dec. 01 11.30

1936 also had the most readings below -30C

ScreenHunter_320 Dec. 01 17.22

During February of 1936, it was so cold that Niagara Falls froze solid.

ScreenHunter_320 Dec. 01 17.27

The summer of 1936 had unprecedented heat, which killed many thousands of people. NOAA and NASA are determined to rewrite US history, and we need to be determined to stop them from committing this crime.








About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to 1936 Was (By Far) The Most Extreme Year In US History

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    But none of that stuff counts. That was before computers. And the Weather Channel. And before bad weather became a billion dollar industry.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    Hansen has looked at this data enough to positively know this. Yet he sits idly by and panders for more money and power. There can be no better word to describe him than evil. Everyone at NCDC/NOAA who looks at the data for a living knows this as well. They should all be fired. None of them have the gonads to actually do anything about it, but rather are willing to live off the fruits of the labor of the honest and industrious while providing no service to those who pay their wages.

  3. Michael D Smith says:

    Great stuff Steve. I link info like this from here all the time when I get on brainwashed websites and start hammering watermelons. Hmm, am I related to Gallagher?

  4. Andy DC says:

    You could say we have had relatively mild winters recently, but the chart also demonstrates that we have had periods of mild winters before.

  5. kbray in california says:

    Nikola Tesla’s death ray did it. He’s the cause of all the spikes in the weather charts during this era.
    That’s why all the temperatures need “adjustments”.

    Tesla claimed to have worked on plans for a directed-energy weapon from the early 1900s until his death.
    In 1937, at a luncheon in his honor concerning the death ray, Tesla stated, “But it is not an experiment… I have built, demonstrated and used it.

    Directed-energy weapon
    Main article: Teleforce
    Later in life, Tesla made claims concerning a “teleforce” weapon after studying the Van de Graaff generator.[153][154] The press called it a “peace ray” or death ray.[155][156] Tesla described the weapon as being able to be used against ground based infantry or for antiaircraft purposes.
    Tesla gives the following description concerning the particle gun’s operation:
    [The nozzle would] send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 200 miles from a defending nation’s border and will cause armies to drop dead in their tracks.[157][158]
    In total, the components and methods included:
    An apparatus for producing manifestations of energy in free air instead of in a high vacuum as in the past.
    A mechanism for generating tremendous electrical force.
    A means of intensifying and amplifying the force developed by the second mechanism.
    A new method for producing a tremendous electrical repelling force. This would be the projector, or gun, of the invention.[159][160]
    Tesla claimed to have worked on plans for a directed-energy weapon from the early 1900s until his death.[161][162]
    In 1937, at a luncheon in his honor concerning the death ray, Tesla stated, “But it is not an experiment… I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world.” His records indicate that the device is based on a narrow stream of small tungsten pellets that are accelerated via high voltage (by means akin to his magnifying transformer).[154]
    During the same year, Tesla wrote a treatise, “The Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive Energy through the Natural Media,” concerning charged particle beam weapons.[163] Tesla published the document in an attempt to expound on the technical description of a “superweapon that would put an end to all war.” This treatise is currently in the Nikola Tesla Museum archive in Belgrade. It describes an open-ended vacuum tube with a gas jet seal that allows particles to exit, a method of charging particles to millions of volts, and a method of creating and directing non-dispersive particle streams (through electrostatic repulsion).[163] Tesla tried to interest the US War Department,[164] the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia in the device.[165]

    Tesla made the dust bowl too.

    It is quite evident that this man, his activities, his electronics, and his energy ray is the cause of all prior and future bad weather. sarc.

    Any assertion that man or any man can affect the weather is crap. (except for al gore)

  6. Michael D Smith says:

    The EPA chart you used before (figure 3) seems to show low temps are rising, but this might be an artifact or it might be UHI. The one you show above seems to show a lower frequency of lows, but hardly / marginally significant. Nothing like the EPA chart.


  7. Ivan says:

    ..also in Australia:
    Last year was the dryest year in Sydney since 1888, according to the State Meteorologist (Mr. Mares).
    In a review of Sydney’s weather for the year, Mr. Mares said yesterday that the effect of last year’s deficient rainfall, was intensified by a serious shortage of rain during the preceding year, 1935. The combined period of two years comprised the dryest period of that length in the 94 years which had elapsed since the rainfall of Sydney had been recorded.”
    ~5 Jan 1937

  8. Bill Illis says:

    I wonder if you can make use of this Steven.

    The first climate assessment from the NCDC in 1990 before Phil Jones got going and before the warmists took over the NCDC. Annual US temperatures on numbered page 25 – 1936 at 12.6C. Global annual temperatures made by the USSR on numbered page 8.


  9. I’d be willing to bet the N Pacific was very cold in 1936. That would explain 1936 being the most extreme (low humidity).

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