Daily Archives: December 22, 2012

No Common Sense Permitted By Liberals

The NRA proposes that we protect our schools the same way we protect our homes, banks and neighborhoods – and lefties go nuts “Before Congress reconvenes, before we engage in any lengthy debate over legislation, regulation or anything else; as … Continue reading

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Understanding The Record Cold In Europe And Asia

Very warm air is melting the Arctic at record rates. When this warm Arctic air dips to the south, it brings lethal -55C temperatures to Russia. This concept is completely clear to climate scientists, leftists and brain damaged turnips everywhere.

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Another Day Of Personal Sacrifice

How my heart longs for Winnipeg. Today we searched for the missing heat in the Gulf of California, on jet skis. I was greatly disturbed to discover 80 degree water in December. Even more troubling was the thought that I … Continue reading

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