Daily Archives: December 28, 2012

John Kerry To Save The Planet!

The LA Times says that Kerry will be useless at everything, except possibly tackling an imaginary problem which he couldn’t do anything about even if it was real. December 28, 2012 Sen. John Kerry, President Obama’s nominee for secretary of … Continue reading

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1947 Shock News : “Enormous” “Alarming” “Serious” “Catastrophic” Polar Melt To Drown The Planet. International Agency Needed To Study The Problem

Saturday 31 May 1947 Dr. Ahlmann added that temperatures in the Arctic have increased by 10 degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. An ‘enormous’ rise from the scientific standpoint. Waters in the Spitsbergen area, in the same period, have risen from three … Continue reading

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Teaching Children To Be Victims

When he was three, my oldest son had never seen a real or toy gun, watched television or been to the movies. We were walking through Washington Park in Denver when he picked up a stick and started holding it like a … Continue reading

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Hansen : One mm Of Sea Level Rise Per Day

Sea level will either rise one metre in the next seven years, or not at all. Either way, all hell is going to break loose in the year 2080. www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2012/20121226_GreenlandIceSheetUpdate.pdf Four metres of sea level rise between 2080 and 2100? … Continue reading

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Rapidly Melting Antarctic Has Above Normal Ice Every Day In 2012

Steig tells us that Antarctica is experiencing a fatal meltdown, with sea ice area above normal every day in 2012. The year is finishing with an average excess of more than 8,000 Manhattans of ice. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.south.anom.1979-2008

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Utah Skiing Devastation Update

Less than three weeks ago, NRDC told us that Utah skiing is doomed due to the horrors of global warming. Every snow measurement station in Utah is now above normal snowpack. —————————————————————————– STATE PERCENT OF Normal RIVER BASIN Number Snow Water Accum … Continue reading

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Alaskan Sea Ice Has Been Normal Or Above Every Day For The Past Year

The global warming canary has flown out of the coal mine, and the press corpse has forgotten to mention yet another spectacular climate model failure. University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today

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Climate Refugee Moves To Michigan

I was listening to NPR again last night, and they were interviewing a crying hysterical woman who had moved to northern Michigan so that her children could see snow once in a while. That was silly – she could have moved to California, Arizona, … Continue reading

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November Was The Coldest On Record In Lincoln, Virginia

The Washington Post somehow missed this story. Lincoln, VA is the closest GHCN/USHCN station in Virginia to Washington DC, and November was the coldest on record there. ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/USC00444909.dly

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Slate Reports That Greenland Is Rapidly Melting At 110 Degrees Below The Freezing Point

New Study Shows Global Warming Is Rapidly Melting Ice at Both Poles Global warming is melting Greenland and Antarctic ice and contributing to sea level rise summit:status:webcam

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