Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

There is no rational reason why heroes like Victoria Soto and 20 children needed to die.

Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

Banning gun-free zones and allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons could help eliminate mass shootings at schools, John R. Lott, one of the nation’s leading gun experts, tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview Saturday.

Lott, an author and college professor, told Newsmax that gun-free zones become “a magnet” for deranged killers who hope to burn their names into the history books by running up a big body count.

Lott’s landmark book “More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws” is in its 3rd edition. He told Newsmax there is a “very good chance” the Connecticut school shooting could have been averted, if teachers there were permitted to carry concealed handguns.

It is no accident, he said, that mass shootings repeatedly have occurred in designated gun-free zones, which attract lunatics looking to murder as many souls as possible before they turn their guns on themselves.

Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

  1. Andy DC says:

    I guess taking shooting lessons is now a prerequisite for being a teacher.

    • sunsettommy says:

      I am sure you avoided this part because you can’t address it:

      “Lott, an author and college professor, told Newsmax that gun-free zones become “a magnet” for deranged killers who hope to burn their names into the history books by
      running up a big body count.”

      It would be better if American society would stop being so devisive to each other and reconsider the overt drive for the money and instead balance it with a stability of a community and a less stressful lifestyle.

      • How is that different from the famous “can’t…can’t we all just get along?” We can if and only if we all accept the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that we have no right to expect or demand to receive the unearned. Yet, from birth we have it pounded in our heads that we MUST give the unearned to those who have done nothing to deserve it but breath, pee, defaecate, and eat. We are indoctrinated that we have no right to our lives and what we have earned exactly because we earned it. While, those who didn’t earn it have a right to it exactly because they did not earn it. It is said we are “selfish” if we wish to keep what we have earned but it is not selfish for someone to take our earnings and give it to someone who didn’t. THAT is the core and practice of evil!

        Yes, we would still have psychopaths and they would still feel entitled to do what they want to do just because they want to do it. However, there would be far fewer of them left free to force their whims upon the rest of us.

  2. gator69 says:

    Something that is often overlooked in all of this…

    “The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides, with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths.”

    We have alot of sick people who hate their lown ives, and thankfully most of them take their own lives first. Take the gun from a sick person and they will simply grab a knife.

    The older I get, the more I need my guns, society is not getting better.

  3. Rosco says:

    A trained armed guard I can buy – a frightened teacher with a gun I can’t.

    It is not that easy to calmly shoot a human being unless you are like the perpetrator and mentally unbalanced.

    Sad that having armed guards seems to be a prerequisite.

    • It is a deterrent. The possible presence of a weapon prevents the attack from ever being conceived. Extremely few legal gun owners ever actually get in gun battles. These attacks always happen in gun-free zones.

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