Another Day Of Personal Sacrifice

How my heart longs for Winnipeg.

Today we searched for the missing heat in the Gulf of California, on jet skis.

I was greatly disturbed to discover 80 degree water in December. Even more troubling was the thought that I had contributed to global warming by burning gasoline. I was so distraught over the horrible state of the climate in Mexico, that I felt compelled to drown my sorrow in Margaritas, karaoke and fine food this evening.

Tomorrow I plan to search for the missing heat again on jet skis, and do an aerial survey while para sailing. It is horrible work, but someone has to do it for the good of the planet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Another Day Of Personal Sacrifice

  1. Me says:

    😆 ya gotta keep checking them sea levels.

  2. Rosco says:

    If you’re not careful you’ll qualify for a free pass to present your data at the next climate boondoggle – I am envious.

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    If you find that missing heat would you bag it up and bring it back to me at the following address : Kevin Trenberth, nutcase parad, Nasaland.

  4. You’re not riding jet skis without grant money I hope! What is the world coming to?

  5. David says:

    Steve’s entire trip was funded by Big Oil.

  6. John Silver says:

    Karaoke is the most evil of all pollutions.

  7. gator69 says:

    Just don’t cry in your beer over this Steven, because then you would be consuming the product of animal suffering, and the vegans will be at your door. And remember, you cannot spell “vengeance”, without “vegan”. 😉

  8. Andy DC says:

    You have no right to enjoy yourself when the penguins, pikas and polar bears are all dying from non-existent warming and all sea life is doomed due to the non-acidic oceans.

  9. ntesdorf says:

    Good to see that you are sacrificing personal comfort in the interests of Global Health. Meanwhile in Australia we are suffering with picnics on the beach in balmy summer weather, in the lead up to Christmas. We will have to take the situation seriously some time in the distant future.

  10. gregole says:

    Please Steven – Save the Planet – for the children.

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